Статьи рубрики | Information and legal enforcement of transport activity and security

Scientific specialty:

5.1.2. Public law (state law) sciences (legal sciences)

Elena Ig. Cheremina. The impact of digital technology on transport industry modernization

UDK: 656:005.932

Elena Ig. Cheremina - Master’s Degree student, Volga State University of Water Transport

Abstract. Artificial intelligence research has had a boom in the past few decades. This happened mainly due to the groundbreaking results of the 1960s and 1970s, including the use of advanced neural networks (NNs). The main area where artificial intelligence is on its peak, is transport. There is no doubt that the transport system is experiencing a huge transformation, and the traditional transport industry is keen into a new development vector using digital technologies. It is important to understand the directions in which national security issues are formed in the field of transport, based on digital transformation and various processes of technical interaction through networks and neural networks, which can pose a threat to national security without proper legal regulation. The paper has discussed the issues related to the impact of information and communication technologies in the transport industry, which can result in rapid and multiple transformations. The transport and logistics sector is experiencing a huge transformation as due to market trends the new technological solutions come into everyday use. As the complexity of modern transport and logistics grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to understand what to focus on in the short- and long-term prospect and what to invest in.

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Aleksandr V. Vlasov, Tatiyana V. Shtepa. To the question of ERP-systems application in foreign economic activity and logistics

UDK: 339.9

Aleksandr V. Vlasov - Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the department of customs law and organization of the customs affairs, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Tatiyana V. Shtepa - post-graduate, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Modern digital technologies have transformed the transportation system and opened up new horizons in its development. The formation of “digital transport and logistics” should be based on the existing transport system framework, but at the same time there should be taken into account changing market and economic conditions. The paper deals with the process of implementing information technology in logistics, while considering the positive results that are reflected in the enterprise activities. The paper has analyzed some aspects of the application of digital technologies of ERP-systems to develop transport and logistics. ERP-systems help companies comprehensively manage working processes. If you correctly identify the tasks and clearly distinguish among responsibility areas, the integration of the ERP-system in logistics will help to obtain significant advantages over competitors.

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Ekaterina S. Zalozhnykh. Main concepts and legal regulation of advertising on vehicles (and with their use) in Russia

UDK: 659:34

Ekaterina S. Zalozhnykh - post graduate of the department of administrative law, ecological law, information law, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The paper deals with the main concepts and legal regulation of advertising on vehicles (and with their use). The paper reveals the relevance of this type of outdoor advertising, its attractiveness to advertisers. The main issue of the paper is a legal regulation of advertising on vehicles (and with their use) in the Russian Federation.

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Lyudmila M. Gruzdeva. Transport information infrastructure as an object for computer attacks

UDK: 656(075.8):681

Lyudmila M. Gruzdeva - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor of the department of informational technologies in jurisprudence, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, professor of the Russian Academy of Natural History (RANH)

Abstract. In accordance with the current legislation, transport information systems are the objects of the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation. At present, there is paid an increased attention to ensuring the functioning of the state system of detection, prevention and elimination of the consequences of computer attacks on information resources of the Russian Federation. The paper presents the statistics of the current computer attacks, the objects of which are various sectoral information infrastructures. Transport information systems of Russia and of the world were attacked by cybercriminals using malicious software combined with social engineering and exploitation of web-based vulnerabilities. One of the urgent tasks facing the specialists of information protection services in transport is to prevent information leaks caused by internal intruders who use open data transmission channels.

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Aleksey V. Minbaleev. The development of Russian legislation on the use of unmanned vehicles in a digital economy

UDK: 629

Aleksey V. Minbaleev - Doctor of Law, main researcher of the sector of information law and international information security, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of the development of Russian legislation on the use of unmanned vehicles. The article presents the analysis of foreign regulation experience of unmanned vehicles. The main legislative initiatives in Russia have been analyzed. The conducted analysis of legislative initiatives in regulation of unmanned vehicles in Russia indicates a number of problems faced by developers. These are, first of all, problems of responsibility in case of people life or health injures of and/or property damages, problems of property and life insurance, responsibility of the developers of such vehicles, etc. All these issues require a mandatory solution.

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Tatiyana An. Polyakova. The effect of digital economy on the transport industry development and the problems of information security enforcement: the legal aspect

UDK: 656:005.932

Tatiyana An. Polyakova - Doctor of Law, main researcher, acting head of the sector of information law and international information security, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is devoted to the legal regulation of the use of information telecommunication technologies in the transport industry in the conditions of digitalization and the implementation of the strategic objectives of the digital economy. There have been also considered the issues of safe use of digital technologies and means of transport, as well as such current trends as “big data”, artificial intelligence, digital platforms for providing passenger traffic. In addition, there have been separately identified the problems of forming a unified scientific and technological space in the transport sector and the related issues of electronic interaction and enforcement of information security.

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Mel’nikova Yu. Codification of transport legislation in the context of improving the efficiency of public transport management

Actual problems of systematization and codification of transport legislation of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Law Institute of MIIT, November 22, 2017)

UDK 347.463

Mel'nikova Yu. - candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of department «Transport law and administrative law» of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Abstract. The article deals with the problematic issues of transport legislation optimization, including through the development and adoption of the transport code of the Russian Federation, designed to comprehensively solve the problems of legal regulation in the field of transport and transport security, from the point of view of the need to improve the efficiency of public transport management in modern conditions.

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Mamonova M. Some problems of codification of transport legislation of the Russian Federation

Actual problems of systematization and codification of transport legislation of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Law Institute of MIIT, November 22, 2017)

UDP 347.463

Mamonova M. - graduate of the of the Law Institute Russian University of transport

Abstract. This article is devoted to the analysis of actual problems of transport legislation, which determine the necessity of its codification. The article also identifies the problems of the codification process, including the possibility of classifying normative legal acts into the category of codified ones.

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Zemlin A. To the question of legal and organizational problems of codification of transport legislation of the Russian Federation

Actual problems of systematization and codification of transport legislation of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Law Institute of MIIT, November 22, 2017)

UDK 347.463

Zemlin A. - doctor of legal sciences, professor, head of chair «Transport law and administrative law» Law Institute of the Russian University of transport, honored science worker of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The article analyzes the problematic issues related to the codification of transport legislation, the experience of systematization and codification of transport legislation in foreign countries, the study of the theoretical foundations and practical significance of the codification of transport legislation of the Russian Federation.

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