UDK: 347.463:656.61
Vladimir Al. Iliin - chief specialist of the Transport Security Support Devision of the Security Management Department of FSUE ‘Rosmorport, kokso@mail.com
Abstract. The current paper has presented the analysis of amendments in the regulatory legal framework for enforcing transport security with regard to maritime transport. Due to the applied methodology of legal analysis using the achievements of transport and legal science, there have been considered a critical understanding of the innovations in the legislation on transport security and their possible consequences for maritime transport. The incentive to write the current paper was the issued in August 2019 Federal Law No. 270-ФЗ “On Amendments in the Federal Law “On Transport Security” and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Providing Transport Security”. The law necessitated adjustments to the organization of work of transport infrastructure entities to enforce security of operating transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles of all modes of transport. The aforementioned Federal Law has made significant changes, for example, in the basic concepts, cancellation of categorization, vulnerability assessment, transport security requirements, planning and implementation of measures to ensure transport security, rights and obligations of transport infrastructure entities, training and certification of transport security staff, etc. At the same time, after coming into force of certain provisions of the Federal Law “On Transport Security” on January 30, 2020, the issue of fulfilling transport security requirements has still remained unclear for transport infrastructure entities (carriers) in maritime transport because of absence of by-laws and regulations that take into account the amendments in legislation. In this regard, taking into consideration the existing lag of by-laws, the current paper has explained the main provisions of the amendments with regard to maritime transport. There has been conducted the analysis of their effect on implementation of the requirements of the legislation in enforcing transport security, and has been made corresponding conclusions. According to the formal legal analysis of the provisions of the Federal Law “On Transport Security”, taking into account the amendments, the current paper has considered the problematic issues related to the extension of the requirements established by the new version of the norms of this act to almost all vessels used for merchant shipping.
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