Статьи рубрики | Transport security in professional education

Scientific specialties:

5.10.1. Theory and history of culture, art (philosophical sciences, cultural studies, art history)

Sergey L. Lobachev. Some results of the implementation of additional professional education programs at the Russian University of Transport according to the federal project «New Opportunities for Everyone» of the national project «Education»

UDK: 378.1

Sergey L. Lobachev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of the department of Information Technologies in Jurisprudence, head of the department for distance learning of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered the results of the implementation of a number of additional professional education programs within the framework of grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the project “Citizens’ training on continuing education programs in educational organizations that implement additional educational programs and professional training programs” of the Federal project “New opportunities for everyone” of the national project “Education” in 2019. The results have been analyzed according to the effective use of the technological capabilities of the distance learning portal by teachers to implement the educational process. Taking into consideration the different relevance of the courses, there were analyzed 5 of 12 implemented courses for which received the largest number of applications. There have been given the factual data that showed the dynamics of doing of the additional education course by students and the ideas to increase their activity in webinars and in other variants of interactive interaction with the teacher. The obtained experience allowed us to make a conclusion about insufficiency of pedagogical communications. There have been given recommendations on the average number of practical work per course. There have been suggested to improve the organization and methodology of further professional education courses using distance learning technologies. There have been presented the results and conclusions which could be useful in the development and implementation of continuing education programs using distance learning technologies.

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Nikolay Al. Dukhno. Network education in the transport universities

UDK: 378.018.43

Nikolay Al. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, Director of Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT), honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The current paper has presented the features of the network interaction of the transport universities with the practical units of the transport complex based on the current legislation and the guidelines of Russian Ministry of Transport. Network education largely contributes to the development of transport education, providing a new high-quality level of training for specialists having modern transport competencies. The involvement of the transport complex departments in the development and implementation of network educational programs forms a unique educational environment, which is formed by combining the resources of the transport universities with the rich material and technical base of the transport system and its high-skilled production staff. Forming models of network learning, the transport universities increase educational resources, improve opportunities to significantly rise the quality of training. They provide students with the opportunity to simultaneously receive several diplomas and other documents confirming their qualifications and the ability to work efficiently in the structures of the transport complex.

The paper has presented a typical sample of a network interaction agreement between the universities and other organizations.

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Olga L. Postol, Nina Al. Shepeleva. Aqua yoga and swimming as the methods to improve physical condition of high-speed train drivers

UDK: 615.8

Olga L. Postol - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of the department of methodology of law and legal communication, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Nina Al. Shepeleva - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of the department of methodology of law and legal communication, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. One of the most urgent tasks in Russia today is to increase the level of public health, to form a healthy lifestyle. The health of the Russian population is of very significant value in society. The Federal Target Program "Development of Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation for 2016–2020" issued on January 21, 2015 (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation issued on January 21, 2015 No. 30) states that one of the main goals of social and economic policy States are a spread of healthy lifestyle standards, creation of conditions for systematical engagement of people in physical culture and sports. It has been planned to increase the share of the Russians who are systematically involved in physical culture and sports, to 38% in 2019, and to 45% by 2025 in the priority project "Formation of a healthy lifestyle" approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on July 26, 2017. This article proposes a gymnastics to improve health using hatha yoga and aqua yoga in combination with the traditional means of physical culture (swimming) developed by the authors. The use of experimental recovery methods will contribute to improving the health and physical condition of high-speed train drivers, prevention of occupational diseases, preservation of high efficiency and stress resistance.

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Oleg An. Malygin. On the state of distance education in the Transport Universities in Russia

UDK: 378.018.43

Oleg An. Malygin - lecture of the department of information technologies in jurisprudence, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Distance learning is a way to get education at almost all levels, in which the tutor and student are at a distance from each other and are unable to communicate without special aids. This method of studying different disciplines is also called remote training. Today, not only an email communication between a tutor and a student is used, but also an electronic one, where a computer allows getting a full-fledged education online. The article considers the current state, relevance and practical implementation of distance education in the universities of the transport industry in Russia.

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Vladimir E. Sudenko. Training of transport security specialists

UDK: 372.8:378

Vladimir E. Sudenko - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department of criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistics, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The article discusses some problematic issues of higher education in the training of specialists who enforce safety regulations at transport infrastructure facilities and are responsible for its results. It has been indicated that there are very significant gaps in the work of the departments responsible for educational and scientific activities, including numerous documents and instructions which meaningless increase paperwork, but not scientific, creative work of university professors. Such a policy in the field of education and science hardly promotes training of specialists with deep solid knowledge necessary for their practical and scientific activities, including transport security. The students’ desire to acquire the profound knowledge necessary for future work and in life, excluding the pursuit of high grades, which are often not supported by relevant knowledge, is of great importance. It has been recommended to change the "quantitative" training of specialists on "qualitative" training, i.e. giving them ability to apply their knowledge not only in a specific transport industry, but also on individual sides of the industry, which will meet the safety requirements for all transport infrastructure.

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Egorov Viktor P., Balakhontsev Nikolay Ig. «Digital Railway» and project-based education at the Russian University of Transport

UDK: 656:372.8

Egorov Viktor P. - doctor of Military Sciences, professor, professor of the department "Documentation and document supply of management", Law Institute, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Balakhontsev Nikolay Ig. - doctor of Military Sciences, professor of the department "Documentation and document supply of management", Law Institute, Russian University of Transport (MIIT),

Abstract. As a part of the development strategy of the Holding "Russian Railways" for the period until 2030, approved by the Board of Directors of OAO Russian Railways No.19 on December 23, 2013, at the end of 2018 due to the order of the RF government No. 1632-p on July 28, 2017 there was approved the "Digital Railway" program, which is one of directions of implementation of the program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation". The article considers the implementation prospects of the Russian Railways’ program "Digital Railway". To implement the program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation", there has been proposed to introduce the educational project "Specialists for the digital economy", as well as project-based education at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). The paper considers the issues of development of the bachelor and master’s educational program "Document Management in Digital Economy".

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Dukhno N. Digital technologies and education of transport workers

UDK: 004.9:37

Dukhno N. - doctor of legal sciences, professor, director of the Law Institute of Russian University of Transport, honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problems of training specialists capable of working in the field of high technology in transport. The time of Informatization requires the search for new ways to educate transport specialists. For the choice of methods, an important condition is the consideration of historical traditions and a deep study of modern features of training of specialists in demand by transport structures. In the current situation of rapid development of digital technologies, support is required for those new initiatives that are on the way to the creation and development of digital transport. The success of digital transport is possible in close cooperation between the practical departments of the transport complex and the Russian University of transport and other transport universities.

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Zemlin A. Actual problems of formation of competences of the legal orientation at experts in the field of transport

UDK: 347.463

Zemlin A. - doctor of legal sciences, professor, head of chair «Transport law and administrative law» Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honored science worker of the Russian Federation

Abstract. In the article on the basis of consideration of the current state of formation of legal knowledge, skills and abilities of students-transport workers, needs of practice and prospects of teaching of legal disciplines in transport educational organization the shortcomings capable to have negative impact on quality of execution by graduates of professional duties on the forthcoming official purpose are revealed. The conclusion is made about the lack of systematic pedagogical influences on the formation of the Federal state standards, establishing requirements for the results of training students in areas and specialties, implemented at the Russian University of transport (MIIT), the competence of the legal orientation. The expediency of expanding the list of legal disciplines taught to students-transport workers due to the introduction of senior courses of the discipline «Transport law», which includes as a section of the didactic unit on the organizational and legal basis of transport security. Based on the results of the application of sociological methods of analysis, using the methodology of system analysis, proposals for improving approaches to teaching legal disciplines, methodological foundations of the formation of legal competences of future specialists in the field of transport are formulated. Implementation of the proposals of organizational, didactic and methodical nature formulated and substantiated by the author of the article, logically arising from the needs of practice-oriented approach to the organization of the educational process, mission and tasks Of the Russian University of transport as a branch of transport University, educational-methodical and scientific center, will provide the necessary consistency and continuity in the work on the formation of graduates of the University, other transport educational organizations of legal competences as a General cultural institution, and the professional character necessary for future specialists-transport workers in their subsequent activities.

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