
Egorov Viktor P., Balakhontsev Nikolay Ig. «Digital Railway» and project-based education at the Russian University of Transport

UDK: 656:372.8

Egorov Viktor P. - doctor of Military Sciences, professor, professor of the department "Documentation and document supply of management", Law Institute, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Balakhontsev Nikolay Ig. - doctor of Military Sciences, professor of the department "Documentation and document supply of management", Law Institute, Russian University of Transport (MIIT),

Abstract. As a part of the development strategy of the Holding "Russian Railways" for the period until 2030, approved by the Board of Directors of OAO Russian Railways No.19 on December 23, 2013, at the end of 2018 due to the order of the RF government No. 1632-p on July 28, 2017 there was approved the "Digital Railway" program, which is one of directions of implementation of the program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation". The article considers the implementation prospects of the Russian Railways’ program "Digital Railway". To implement the program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation", there has been proposed to introduce the educational project "Specialists for the digital economy", as well as project-based education at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). The paper considers the issues of development of the bachelor and master’s educational program "Document Management in Digital Economy".

Keywords: digital economy of the Russian Federation; digital railway; program; project; system; electronic document management; project-based education.


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