UDK: 658.7:004
Evgeny Al. Nesterov - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Law Institute, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia
Viktor Ya. Tsvetkov - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia
Abstract. Modern digital technologies and products are the basis for improving the transport sector and society. Digital transformation has evolved from a technological opportunity into a necessity for managing the needs of transport infrastructure. Digital transformation introduces new processes and mechanisms that affect key factors of transport and transport digital law. Digital law as a phenomenon appeared within the framework of the digital economy and digitalization of society. The current paper has reflected the evolution of research in the field of digital transformation of society and the development of digital law. There have been shown similarities and differences between the concepts of digitalizing, digitalization, and digital transformation. There has been demonstrated a connection between digital transformation and digital economy. Based on the generalization, there has been given the authors’ definition of digital transformation. There has been substantiated the necessity to develop digital law for intelligent robots.
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