
Nikolay Al. Dukhno. Transport law and its scientific basis

UDK: 343.346(07)

Nikolay Al. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper has substantiated the necessity to develop transport law on the basis of scientific research on the factors that encourage making new legal norms. They are being developed under the influence of the features of transport relations identified by jurisprudence as a science. A comprehensive and complete scientific study of transport relations can form the theoretical basis for the development of new legal norms. Such norms can ensure the legal order in the field of transport in solving all its problems. Transport law is an integral part of jurisprudence. The expansion of the use of the scientific potential of jurisprudence opens the way to new directions in the study of transport law.

Keywords: regularity of law development; essence of transport relations; transport law norms; jurisprudence as a science; transport law and jurisprudence; dogma in jurisprudence.


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