UDK: 347.463:621.56.8
Nataliya V. Kuzina - leading researcher of the FSBES the Security Problems Studies Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, nvkuzina@mail.ru
Abstract. Despite the fact that it was in the field of transport almost a century ago that the method of training vehicle workers on simulators first appeared, in the context of the spread of methods of virtual reality and digitalization, there is still no clear legislative regulation, primarily in terms of the need to use the method of collective crew trainings using virtual and augmented reality technologies. The current paper has analyzed the causes of plane crashes (according to the Interstate Aviation Committee) arising as a result of inadequate interaction of aircraft crew members with automation and ground services, which often appear when the conditioned reflexes collide during an extreme situation. This also occurs as a result of retraining of specialists for the operation of other aircraft models, the lack of joint crew trainings on simulators. Indicative is the fact that in the documents of the Interstate Aviation Committee, as a rule, there is also data on the successful previous certification of the flight and ground personnel, whose actions caused the accident. In the context of a shortage of personnel in private and regional airlines, unfortunately, it is necessary to state the fact that obtaining documents confirming the competence of pilots is usually a result of the corruption schemes. It is necessary to legislatively consolidate for transport workers’ training the necessity of team training methods using virtual reality (VR), which will bring the work of the team as close as possible to various extreme situations, allow them to ‘feather in’, and also prevent corruption in assessing competencies and obtaining admission to transport activities (in particular, permission to fly).
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