Статьи рубрики | Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes

Scientific specialties:

5.1.4. Criminal law sciences (legal sciences)

Aleksandr S. Parshakov, Alexey A. Parshakov. On the issue of qualification of crimes in modern conditions: military transport aspect

UDK: 342.9

Aleksandr S. Parshakov - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (RUT MIIT); Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defense, reserve colonel of justice

Alexey A. Parshakov - Military Prosecutor's Office of the Western Military District, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice

Abstract. The current paper has studied the issue of changing the state approach to criminal policy, which laid the foundation for the development of wartime criminal legislation. At the same time, there has been emphasized that the legislator took a selective approach to changing this criminal legislation, focusing on the classification of only part of the crimes, unreasonably leaving several articles in the previous edition, including military transport crimes, such as abandoning a sinking warship, violating driving rules or operation of machines, violation of flight rules or preparation for them and violation of navigation rules. Moreover, most of these crimes are blanket, since they are associated with violation of the rules that are established by regulatory legal acts and local regulations, both in peacetime and in combat situations. In addition, there have been given the examples and other reasoned arguments to justify the need to qualify these military transport crimes during periods of mobilization or martial law, wartime, or in conditions of armed conflict or hostilities. In addition to proposals to introduce the qualification under consideration into the indicated crimes of the chapter on crimes against military service, there has been proposed to make an addition to the chapter on crimes against the order of government of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, while there has been proposed to criminalize acts directed against the order of mobilization and ensuring the regime of martial law or wartime, due to failure to fulfill military transport obligations. Proposing changes to the criminal legislation related to the need to qualify military transport crimes and criminalize acts of failure to fulfill military transport duties during periods of mobilization or martial law, wartime or in conditions of armed conflict or combat operations, the author has relied on the practice of the activities of military authorities, prosecutor’s office and military investigative authorities.

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Aleksey An. Maksurov. Conclusion and testimony of an expert and specialist: similarities and differences

UDK: 343.1

Aleksey An. Maksurov - Candidate of Law, Yaroslavl State University named after P. G. Demidov

Abstract. Based on an analysis of the current criminal procedural legislation, there have been studied the most popular “objective” sources and forms of obtaining special knowledge in practice: the conclusion and testimony of an expert and specialist. The current paper has shown the similarities and differences between these types of evidence and has also drawn attention to the features of their estimation by the preliminary investigation body and the court. There has been concluded that it is necessary to change the criminal procedure law in the sense that a specialist should become the basic procedural figure among them.

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Vladislav An. Shvedchenko. Crimes committed using a wheeled highly automated vehicle as a threat to transport security

UDK: 343.3/.7

Vladislav An. Shvedchenko - Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. Scientific and technological progress is currently developing rapidly. One of the promising areas is the development of highly automated vehicles. Currently, highly automated vehicles are already becoming a reality, experiments are being carried out on the use of these vehicles on roads, in air, water, and space. The development of technologies can give new opportunities, and new issues also arise for the regulation of this field of activity. The current paper is devoted to social relations arising from the use of highly automated wheeled vehicles. It provides an overview of the regulations governing the use of highly automated vehicles, as well as research papers on the issue. Based on the above analysis of the scientific literature, existing documents, there has been proposed to amend the criminal legislation.

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Viktor M. Koryakin. Countering sabotage activities at transport infrastructure facilities as an integral part of transport security enforcement

UDK: 356.168

Viktor M. Koryakin - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper deals with theoretical and practical issues of legal support for anti-sabotage activities at transport infrastructure facilities. There has been shown that the fight against sabotage in transport is a relatively independent area of activity to enforce transport security. There have been analyzed similarities and differences between the concepts of “terrorism” (“terrorist act”) and “sabotage” (“sabotage act”). There has been made an analysis of some provisions of the legislation on transport security and proposals for its improvement.

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Stanislav V. Bazhanov, Andrey Ar. Malakhov. The initiation of criminal cases and the performance of urgent investigative actions by the captains of sea and river vessels on a long navigation

UDK: 343.136

Stanislav V. Bazhanov - Doctor of Law, professor, academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, retired colonel of justice

Andrey Ar. Malakhov - associate professor of the department of criminal law disciplines, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (a branch in Vladimir), retired police colonel

Abstract. The current paper has presented the study of certain issues related to the legal status of the captains of sea and river vessels on long-distance voyages in the criminal process of the Russian Federation. The attention of the reading audience has been focused on their powers (as bodies of inquiry) associated with the initiation of criminal cases and the implementation of urgent investigative actions. There has been proved that the current version of Art. 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation is not correct and causes fundamental rejection. It is to be finalized as soon as possible by Russian parliamentarians in order to ensure effective public and personal security of personnel and passengers of sea and river transport in (long-distance) navigation.

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Valery L. Popov. Transport forensics, paradigm, and reality

UDK: 343.148.63

Valery L. Popov - Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. Modern forensics in air, rail and water transport is today regarded as one of the most important sources of obtaining reliable and objective evidence in court. At the same time, despite the modern development of forensic activity in Russia, there is no state forensic support for the technical study of railway, air and water transport, which is a consequence of the Soviet and post-Soviet period of investigations of accidents and incidents in transport, which is under the jurisdiction of the state. Based on this, the current forensic support of this type of research is carried out only on a paid basis by non-state forensic organizations, which since 2001 have not developed on the generally accepted principles of state forensic examination based on knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of forensics that determine the degree of scientific character and objectivity of the applied methods and techniques. Art. 41 of the Federal Law of May 31, 2001 No. 73-FZ “On State Forensic Activities in the Russian Federation” has fixed the functioning of non-state forensics at the legislative level, and on the other hand, limited the effect of a number of articles on non-state forensics of the same Law, which determine the qualification requirements for a forensic specialist, as well as the unity of professional training and the scientific and methodological approach to research. To understand this, there have been studied the reasons for the current forensic practice in the transport block and there have been proposed the measures that should qualitatively affect the elimination of existing problems in forensic activities to provide forensics in air, rail and water transport.

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Aleksandr S. Parshakov. Legal liability for transport offenses and other crimes related to technology: military and legal aspects

UDK: 342.9

Aleksandr S. Parshakov - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Military University of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, retired colonel of justice

Abstract. The current paper has considered the features of bringing military drivers and military officials to legal responsibility for committed incidents involving cars, military, special and transport vehicles. The author has analyzed the types of legal liability to which military personnel may be involved, namely administrative, disciplinary, material and criminal. There has been emphasized that, depending on the severity of the consequences, one or another type of legal liability may be applied to military personnel, for example, for violation of the rules for driving and operating vehicles that did not lead to accidents with people or other serious consequences, military personnel may be subject to disciplinary liability, and commanders, senior officers and other military officials may be held criminally liable for violation of the rules for driving or operating vehicles. With regard to a serviceman, as a subject of transport and other offenses related to transport, the author has comprehensively considered the possibility of bringing him to criminal liability for other crimes related to automotive and other military equipment, in particular, intentional or negligent destruction or damage to military property, loss military property, failure to provide assistance to a person in a life-threatening condition, poor-quality repair of vehicles and their release into operation with technical malfunctions, forgery or destruction of the vehicle identification number. Considering the practice of bringing military personnel to various types of legal liability for offenses related to transport, including military ones, the author has relied on the practice of the activities of the military prosecutor’s office and military investigative agencies.

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Iliya S. Krylov. On approaches to the classification of public order violations committed in transport

UDK: 343.343.3

Iliya S. Krylov - Main Directorate for Transport of the MIA of Russia

Abstract. The current paper has made attempts to reveal the specifics and approaches to establishing a characteristic sign of crimes infringing on public order, committed in transport. Taking into account the generalization of the provisions of normative legal acts in the field of transport and judicial and investigative practice, there has been proposed the author’s position on the practical use of the concepts of “vehicle”, “public transport” for the classification of hooliganism and vandalism committed in transport.

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Petr N. Kotkin, Artem An. Zadorozhny. Certain aspects of improving anti-terrorist security at transport infrastructure facilities

UDK: 343.341.1/342.3:656

Petr N. Kotkin - Candidate of Law, professor, Institute of International Trade and Law

Artem An. Zadorozhny - Lomonosov Moscow State University

Abstract. The current paper has discussed certain aspects of the use of technical and forensic tools in relation to transport infrastructure facilities, analyzed the practice of purchasing such tools, including with the aim of improving anti-terrorist security of transport infrastructure facilities. In addition, there have been proposed specific changes to the current legislation and refinement of the technical and forensic tool (patented by the authors) to improve anti-terrorist protection of such objects. The authors believe that the proposals are more relevant than ever taking into account the recent sabotage and terrorist attacks on transport infrastructure facilities.

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Stanislav V. Bazhanov, Andrey Ar. Malakhov. The role of the linear internal affairs agencies (police) in enforcing security at the transport infrastructure facilities of the Russian Federation

UDK: 351.749

Stanislav V. Bazhanov - Doctor of Law, professor

Andrey Ar. Malakhov - The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

Abstract. The current paper deals with certain issues related to the peculiarities of the legal status of linear departments, departments, and points of internal agencies (police), equally interpreted by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation as bodies of inquiry, which, according to the authors, causes rejection. There have been analyzed in detail the norms of federal legislation, as well as other (by-law) normative legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which regulate the procedure for detecting and investigating crimes committed mainly at railway stations by investigators of the linear internal affairs agencies (police).

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