
Viktor V. Gorovoy, Sergey V. Dubovichenko, Svetlana Yu. Yushenkova. Criminal liability for rendering vehicles and ways of transportation unusable

UDK: 343.346

Viktor V. Gorovoy - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Sergey V. Dubovichenko - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Moscow University of Finance and Law (MUFL)

Svetlana Yu. Yushenkova - Moscow University of Finance and Law (MUFL)

Abstract. Destruction of vehicles and ways of transportation is one of the most dangerous transport crimes, since it can lead to major accidents, the death of many people, significant property damage, and other socially dangerous consequences. Federal Law of December 30, 2020, No. 526-FZ Art. 267 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is set out in a new edition. It was fundamental to change the design of this crime from material to specific danger. Having studied this norm from a retrospective and comparative legal point of view, there has been concluded that the use of a specific hazard composition is justified and necessary to enforce transport security. However, the proposed changes are not free from several shortcomings, both legal-technical and substantive. There has been critically estimated the introduction of a very vague concept of “security threat” to characterize one of the possible consequences of this crime. The inclusion as qualifying signs of careless infliction of light and moderate harm to health does not meet the criteria for differentiation and individualization of criminal liability for transport crimes. There have been also studied the criteria for estimating the threat of socially dangerous consequences and raised the problem of containing the subjective side of the composition of a specific danger.

Keywords: vehicles; communication routes; transport infrastructure facilities; rendering vehicles unusable; blocking of transport communications; obstructing the movement of vehicles and pedestrians; threat of damage.


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