
Vladislav An. Shvedchenko. Crimes committed using a wheeled highly automated vehicle as a threat to transport security

UDK: 343.3/.7

Vladislav An. Shvedchenko - Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. Scientific and technological progress is currently developing rapidly. One of the promising areas is the development of highly automated vehicles. Currently, highly automated vehicles are already becoming a reality, experiments are being carried out on the use of these vehicles on roads, in air, water, and space. The development of technologies can give new opportunities, and new issues also arise for the regulation of this field of activity. The current paper is devoted to social relations arising from the use of highly automated wheeled vehicles. It provides an overview of the regulations governing the use of highly automated vehicles, as well as research papers on the issue. Based on the above analysis of the scientific literature, existing documents, there has been proposed to amend the criminal legislation.

Keywords: crimes against traffic safety and transport operation; criminal liability; a subject of the crime; highly automated vehicle; operator of a highly automated vehicle.


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