Статьи рубрики | Civil and legal aspects of transport law and security

Scientific specialty:

5.1.3. Private law (civilistic) sciences (legal sciences)

Viktor V. Koryakin, Elena V. Sandyreva. The outsourcing agreement and the possibility of its application in legal relations to enforce transport security

UDK: 347.4

Viktor V. Koryakin - Doctor of Law, professor, head of the department of civil law, international private law and civil procedure, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Elena V. Sandyreva - post-graduate, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper deals with the legal nature of the outsourcing agreement, its features and specificity in the system of civil law contracts. It has been shown that this agreement is one of the unnamed agreements in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and is an agreement under which the organization transfers some non-essential functions to other organizations that have the appropriate human resources and experience for their execution. There has been given an estimation to the possibility to apply this contractual design to the field of transport security enforcement. A transport organization has an opportunity and a right to fulfill the function of transport security enforcement by concluding a civil law contract (the outsourcing agreement) with legal entities accredited in the established manner (transport security units) that protect transport infrastructure and vehicles from unlawful interference.

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Sergey Iv. Leonov. On the use of option contracts in the activities of transport security subunits

UDK: 347.44

Sergey Iv. Leonov - deputy head of the transport security department of the Federal Agency of Railway Transportation (Roszheldor), s.leonov@roszeldor.ru

Abstract. Currently the issues of transport security have been firmly listed among the most relevant and widely discussed topics in the professional transport community. The systematic work of the authorities over the past 10 years to develop legislation in the field of transport security on the one hand, and the economic activity of transport infrastructure owners to protect such facilities from unlawful interference according to the Federal Law of February 9 2007 No. 16-ФЗ "On Transport Security" on the other hand, created a large-scale and specific market for goods, jobs and services in this area. The paper is devoted to the study of the opportunity to use an option contract in the economic activities of transport security subunits and certifying organizations to plan business activities and to prepare favorable conditions for certification of transport security units.

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Aleksandr V. Vlasov, Tatiyana V. Borisova. Features of legal regulation of dangerous goods transportation by sea

UDK: 347.463

Aleksandr V. Vlasov - Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the department of customs law and organization of the customs affairs, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Tatiyana V. Borisova - senior lecturer of the Law College, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Dangerous goods are an integral part of the modern trade of any state. This is an objective need for the development of production relations due to their various kinds of requirements. The modern economy would not be able to fully function without the necessary quantity of goods and vehicles. Today no state is able to exist without the consumption of natural resources, and a considerable part of industrial waste, unfortunately, is made up of toxic substances polluting the environment and carrying a certain degree of potential danger. More than a half of goods transported by all modes of world transport are hazardous, namely explosive, corrosive, flammable, toxic, and even radioactive in nature, or they may be of other hazard. To ensure safe transportation of goods by sea is a task of relevant importance for ship-owners, stevedores, cargo owners. The paper deals with the features of legal regulation of dangerous goods transportation by sea. There has been carried out the analysis of the existing rules and regulations, and a general analysis of the legislation. Sea transportation is one of the most common types of transportation, as the most part of world goods are transported by sea.

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Roman V. Ivanov, Velessa Al. Trubitsyna. Some preventive measures of corruption in the procurement activities of JSC “Russian Railways”

UDK: 342.951:328.185

Roman V. Ivanov - applicant of Candidate of Law, The Military Uiversity

Velessa Al. Trubitsyna - post-graduate, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. It is common knowledge that one of the most intensive fields of corruptive activity of the state and its institutions, as well as organizations, regardless of ownership, is the procurement of goods and services for both governmental and municipal needs, and to meet the needs of organizations. Therefore, the improvement of procurement procedures in order to combat corruption is invariably situated among the priority areas of anti-corruption policy in all programs, including the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, approved by the Presidential Decree No. 460 of April 13, 2010, and the National Anti-Corruption Action Plan on 2018-2020, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2018 No. 378. In JSC “Russian Railways”, this major area of activity is regulated by the Regulation on the purchase of goods and services for the needs of JSC “Russian Railways”, which was adopted on July 1, 2018, approved by the Board of Directors of JSC “Russian Railways” on June 28, 2018.

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Aleksey D. Ermak. Legal nature of the contract on transportation of vehicles and freights by railway

UDK: 347.463

Aleksey D. Ermak - legal counsel of the Legal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church

Abstract. The article considers various points of view on the legal nature of the contract on transportation of vehicles and freights by railway. The author indicates that this agreement is bilateral, consensual, gratuitous, organizational, public and urgent.

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Bocharnikova K. Disputes in wagon repair economy as a special category of judicial and arbitration disputes

UDK: 347.918:656.2

Bocharnikova K. - postgraduate student of the department of civil law Of the national research Tomsk state University, practicing lawyer

Abstract. The history of the Railways and the corresponding transport has more than one century. In Russia, the idea of creating and operating Railways begins to emerge at the end of the XVIII century, when the development of any scientific and technical thought was in direct connection with the capitalist sentiments of society. With the development of capitalism, strengthening its foundations, which was the production of goods, the provision of various kinds of services, Commerce and other legitimate economic activities, in order to serve the industrial needs of large enterprises for the production of goods in 1825 in Russia there is a railway transport. Ten years later, pursuant to the Decree of Nicholas I of April 15, 1836 in Russia begins the construction of the first Tsarskoye Selo railway.

Today it is difficult to overestimate the special strategic importance of the railway complex for the developing economy of the Russian Federation, the share of transport and communications in which, according to Rosstat, is 8.7%. The railway is an important link of the unified economic system, provides stable activity of industrial enterprises, timely delivery of vital goods to the remote territories of the country. However, this effect could not be achieved if the structure of the railway complex of Russia did not have special education — wagon repair companies (VRK), whose activities are directly related to the maintenance of the proper condition of rail transport (freight and passenger).

In this regard, the activities of these companies, in particular the practice of their participation in litigation, is of particular interest to the author of this article. Therefore, one of the objectives of our study is to consider the features of the activities of wagon repair companies, as well as relations with their participation, which determine the specifics of judicial and arbitration disputes about the poor quality of repairs of freight cars carried out by wagon companies.

The article considers the features of arbitral disputes with Stock Carriage Repair Kompanies related with their special legal status and structure. The author analyzes the sources of legal regulation relations of maintenance of railway carriage and the order of reclamation-claim work in this field. A lot of attention is paid to review a role of documents and warranty. The article also provides an analysis and synthesis of new judicial practice on disputes about compensation of the costs arising because of defective repair of railway carriage.

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Dmitrieva O., Gorobets A. Influence of tariffs of the Russian railway on development of the railroads

UDK: 338.47: 656.2

Dmitrieva O. - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor department «Customs law and organization customs affairs» of the Law Institute Russian University of Transport

Gorobets A. - student of the Law Institute Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Russian Railways are one of the largest rail networks in the world, and Railways in Russia are crucial and in some cases even the only mode of transport for passengers and cargo. Russian law, namely article 4 of the Federal law of 17 August 1995 № 147-FZ «On natural monopolies», defines the natural monopoly sectors of the economy in which tariffs should be regulated, and Railways are subject to this Law. In this article tariffs of JSC «Russian Railways» are analysed, classification of tariffs is presented, the retrospective analysis of tariffs is carried out, the interrelation of tariffs and costs for transportation by railway transport is revealed and also the analysis of revenues of JSC «Russian Railways» for 2 years is carried out.

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Baskakova I., Samoylenko S., Dyurikenova E. The agreement on organization of cargo transportation

UDK: 347.463

Baskakova I. - candidate of legal sciences, docent of department of civil law and civil process of the Law Institute of Russian University of transport

Samoylenko S. - student of the Law Institute of Russian University of transport

Dyurikenova E. - student of the Law Institute of Russian University of transport

Abstract. Recently, contracts for the organization of transport of goods have become widespread. This is due to the adoption of various international transport codes and agreements, as well as the development of trade relations. Economic entities that systematically turn to the services of cargo carriers need long-term planning of this process. However, the legal nature of this agreement is not clear and is interpreted by scientists in different ways. In this article the features of the agreement on organization of cargo transportation is considered. The authors have analyzed the current Russian legislation in this sphere, the existing publications in order to precise the legal status of the agreement on organization of cargo transportation, determine its independence.

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Koryakin V., Kinashenko I. About some problems of compensation to the airports of expenses on providing services in ensuring flights of the state aviation

UDK: 347.82

Koryakin V. - doctor of law, professor, head of the department «Civil law, international private law and civil procedure» of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Kinashenko I. - associate professor, department «Civil law, international private law and civil procedure» of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Abstract. The article presents a scientific and practical commentary to the Decision of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2018 № 32-P, according to which the provisions of paragraph 3 of the article are recognized as not corresponding to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 69 of the Air code of the Russian Federation (VC of the Russian Federation) to the extent that in the system of the current legal regulation they do not provide certainty of conditions of compensation to legal entities at the expense of means of the Federal budget of expenses on rendering services in airport and ground support of flights of the aircrafts belonging to the state bodies performing functions on ensuring national defense and security of the state.

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Kobzeva E., Mamina O. Ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities in the carriage by rail

UDK: 342.4:656.1

Kobzeva E. - candidate of legal sciences, associate professor «Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law» of Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Mamina O. - candidate of legal sciences, associate professor «Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law» of Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Protection of the rights of persons with disabilities is one of the highest priorities of domestic policy. On the part of the state, the social protection of disabled persons consists in creating all necessary conditions that enable disabled persons to lead a full life, ensure access of disabled persons to public transport, and adapt standard vehicles for the use of their disabled. In 2008, the Russian Federation signed in 2012. ratified the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in 2006, which is an indicator of the country's readiness to create conditions aimed at compliance with international standards of economic, social, legal and other rights of persons with disabilities. The signing of this Convention has established the fundamental principles that should guide the state in relation to persons with disabilities. The article deals with issues relating to the peculiarities of transportation of disabled people by rail, analyzes the legislation governing this issue, and highlights the problems in this area that require resolution.

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