
Kobzeva E., Mamina O. Ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities in the carriage by rail

UDK: 342.4:656.1

Kobzeva E. - candidate of legal sciences, associate professor «Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law» of Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Mamina O. - candidate of legal sciences, associate professor «Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law» of Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Protection of the rights of persons with disabilities is one of the highest priorities of domestic policy. On the part of the state, the social protection of disabled persons consists in creating all necessary conditions that enable disabled persons to lead a full life, ensure access of disabled persons to public transport, and adapt standard vehicles for the use of their disabled. In 2008, the Russian Federation signed in 2012. ratified the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in 2006, which is an indicator of the country's readiness to create conditions aimed at compliance with international standards of economic, social, legal and other rights of persons with disabilities. The signing of this Convention has established the fundamental principles that should guide the state in relation to persons with disabilities. The article deals with issues relating to the peculiarities of transportation of disabled people by rail, analyzes the legislation governing this issue, and highlights the problems in this area that require resolution.

Keywords: realization of rights, disabled people, low-mobility passengers, railway transport, accessible transport environment.


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