Статьи рубрики | Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations

Scientific specialty:

5.1.2. Public law (state law) sciences (legal sciences)

Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov. State registration of vehicles in Russia: history and present time

UDK: 347.3/7

Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov - Candidate in Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper is devoted to the development of the system of state registration of vehicles in Russia, from the moment vehicles appeared on the roads of the country to the present day. The author has gradually and consistently described the changes that took place in this area of state activity when the number of vehicles increased in the country and there were socio-economic transformations in the state and society. A certain place in the paper has been given to the attributes of the state registration of vehicles such as state registration plates, their evolution from a means of ensuring tax revenues to the state treasury to an essential and mandatory element of the national system of registration of vehicles, ensuring their strict accounting and being an effective means of preventing violations of the legislation by owners and drivers of vehicles, as well as the fight against illegal actions in the field of road safety and certain types of criminal offenses. A significant attention in the paper has been paid to the transformations in the system of state registration of vehicles in the period from the end of the last century, when the rapid growth of the vehicles began in Russia and the rate of motorization of the country’s population increased, to the present days. The author has clearly shown those cardinal changes in the system of state registration of vehicles, which made it possible to streamline and largely simplify the process of registering vehicles in the relevant state bodies. There has been shown the possibility of using the current advantages of digital and information technologies for these purposes. The current paper has pointed to certain problems that exist in this area of social relations. In particular, the author has drawn attention to the problem of the so-called “great numbers”, which is actively discussed both on the pages of scientific publications and in the media. The attempts to solve the problem, unfortunately, have so far been unsuccessful.

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Viktor M. Koryakin. Some issues of improving the legal regulation of the opening and closing procedure for railway crossings

UDK: 347.763:656.055.926

Viktor M. Koryakin - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has analyzed the current legal regulation of the opening and closing procedure of railway crossings. There have been found out the problems associated with a lengthy and excessively bureaucratic procedure, the lack of legal norms related to the reimbursement of the owners of railway tracks for the expenditures caused by the opening and exploitation of railway crossings. There has been substantiated the necessity of empowering the authorized bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the right to open railway crossings. There have been formulated definite proposals to introduce appropriate amendments and additions to the legislation.

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Valery K. Tsechoev, Anna Al. Chebotareva. To the question of methods for improving efficiency of transport legal relations in the activities of the staff of the Main Directorate for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

UDK: 342.951

Valery K. Tsechoev - Doctor of Law, professor, Rostov State Transport University (RSTU)

Anna Al. Chebotareva - Doctor of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The authors of the current paper have raised the issue of methods for improving efficiency of transport legal relations in the activities of traffic police officers. There have been considered the approaches to understanding legal psychology in Soviet and modern jurisprudence, as well as emotional experiences, traditions, moods, and other mental processes of traffic police officers, which together reflect their subjective evaluative attitude to law, to subjects of law, to participants of transport relations. There has been drawn a conclusion about the necessity to supplement the norms of the current legislation on strengthening of the psychological component in the activities of traffic police officers.

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Anatoly M. Skrynnik. Transport security enforcement in the context of naval training of civil ships’ crews: a brief legal analysis

UDK: 359:656.08

Anatoly M. Skrynnik - Candidate of Economic Sciences, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA); Member of the International Maritime Law Association

Abstract. There has been conducted a brief legal analysis of transport security enforcement in the context of naval training of civil ships’ crews. There has been presented a genesis of the establishment and activities of the institute of captain-instructors for naval training of civil ships’ crews in the system of state management of maritime economic activity in the USSR and the Russian Federation. There has been established a role and importance of naval training of civil ships’ crews to enforce navigation security in wartime and during the current armed conflicts. There has been indicated a place of naval training of civil ships’ crews in the system of transport security enforcement. Based on the study results, there has been drawn a brief conclusion on the introduction of naval training of civil ships’ crews in the overall system for enforcing transport security, as well as on the necessity to establish close interaction between the services for enforcing transport security of the services of seaport captains with the appropriate forces and means of the Navy, the maritime border service of the FSB of Russia and the maritime service of the Russian Guard.

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Nikolay N. Pestov, Vladimir V. Kiryukhin. Scientific support of the activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the field of transport security

UDK: 342.95

Nikolay N. Pestov - Candidate of Law, Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Vladimir V. Kiryukhin - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Abstract. Currently, the study of transport security is prominent in the educational sphere. There is a tendency in many educational organizations to use study results to improve education and expand partnerships between research and practice. The current paper has presented the study of research activities of the employees of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, related to enforcing transport security, the implementation of the results of this activity in the educational process and the operational and service activities of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in transport. The first part of the paper deals with the research issues and its connection with the educational process. The second part contains the most interesting research projects and their impact on the efficiency of the activities of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in transport. In the final part there have been discussed the prospects considered for these research papers in the field of transport security.

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Oleg Ig. Matyukhin. Problematic issues of determining air transport facilities serviced by internal affairs bodies

UDK: 351.814

Oleg Ig. Matyukhin - Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Abstract. The current paper deals with the characteristics of air transport facilities from the point of view of their service by the internal affairs bodies. The organizational activities of the law enforcement agencies under limited resources should be aimed at optimizing the process of ensuring public safety at air transport facilities. The methodological basis of the study was the general dialectical method of scientific knowledge, as well as the methods of deduction and induction, generalization, and description. There has been conducted an analysis of normative legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Ministry of Transport of Russia in the field of aviation and transport security. There has been substantiated a content of some objects of the air transport complex, considering their criminality and the greater possibility to commit illegal acts on them. There have been clarified some objects that are of interest for ensuring public safety on them. There have been drawn conclusions that security at air transport facilities is enforced by a targeted approach in organizing the activities of the law enforcement agencies, aviation security services (operators) and departmental security of the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

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Anastasiya S. Semicheva. Issues of delegating a part of the authorities to solve administrative offenses in the field of road safety to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

UDK: 342.9:351.811

Anastasiya S. Semicheva - Candidate of Law, docent, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper was prepared on the basis of the Order of the President of the Russian Federation following the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation on October 19, 2021, on the delegating some authorities to solve administrative offenses in the field of road safety to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the paper has summarized the statistics on traffic accidents in the Russian Federation, giving a description of offenses in the field of road traffic. There have been also proposed the changes to be introduced into the regulatory legal acts of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of road safety.

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Igor V. Kiselevich. Capabilities of using graphic editors for the reconstruction of traffic accidents

UDK: 343.98 (347.948.2)

Igor V. Kiselevich - Candidate of Law, docent, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Reconstruction of a traffic accident is one of the stages of a transport and trace study. In accordance with the current forensic methods, the verification of the interconnection between the damages on the victim’s vehicle and on the guilty vehicle is carried out using the methods of transport traceology, based on the analysis of the nature of the deformations and the direction of the forces that caused damage to assemblies and parts of the vehicles, as well as traces on the vehicles, roadway and objects with which the vehicles interacted during a traffic accident. In cases where it is not possible to study the vehicles themselves and reconstruct road accidents on the road, a graphical model of vehicle collisions is built based on data from accident documents, photographs, etc., including the use of graphic editors. The current paper has described the capabilities of modern graphic editors for the reconstruction of traffic accidents (on the example of the CorelDRAW graphic editor).

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Kseniya Ev. Dovgan, Nataliya Ev. Kovalenko. Concrete definition of the liability standards for dangerous driving in the legislation of the Russian Federation

UDK: 340.11

Kseniya Ev. Dovgan - Candidate of Law, docent, Altai State University

Nataliya Ev. Kovalenko - Altai State University

Abstract. Ensuring road traffic safety is the primary issue of the state to create conditions for a healthy and prosperous life of the population. The current paper deals with the analysis of the problems of introducing the legislative structure “dangerous driving” into the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, the legal composition of “dangerous driving” has not been fully developed yet either at the legislative level or at the doctrinal level, which can result in difficulties in law enforcement practice. The paper has considered the issue of characteristics of the objective side of dangerous driving within the framework of the legal composition of an administrative offense. There has been analyzed the concept “dangerous driving”, and made the conclusions about possible problems in its interpretation.

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Viktor M. Koryakin. Railway transport security system and the role of departmental security of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport in its provision

UDK: 347.463:656.2

Viktor M. Koryakin - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport, Korjakinmiit@rambler.ru

Abstract. The current paper has presented a legal analysis of the railway transport security system, there has been given a description of the main elements of this system. There has been disclosed a role of the subjects of security enforcement in railway transport. Particular attention has been paid to revealing the place and role of this system and the tasks solved by the departmental security of Roszheldor. There has been formulated an author's concept of “railway transport security”, there has been substantiated a necessity to coordinate the activities of all entities involved in security enforcement.

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