Статьи рубрики | Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations

Scientific specialty:

5.1.2. Public law (state law) sciences (legal sciences)

Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov. Expert estimation of dangerous traffic situations arising from the violation of the rules of changing lanes when driving a vehicle

UDK: 343.3/.7

Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper has considered the features of one of the frequently performed maneuvers performed by vehicle drivers in the process of driving on roads, namely changing a row or lane. Justifying the relevance of the topic, the author has presented the statistical data characterizing the state of road safety in this country. There have been studied reasons of dangerous traffic situations during changing a row or lane, as well as the factors influencing their occurrence, with reference to the opinions of scientists expressed on the pages of both domestic and foreign scientific sources. Some attention has been paid to the mechanism of a traffic accident associated with a violation of the rules of changing a row or lane. The paper has also paid attention to the psychological aspects of the driver’s personality and his behavior as factors that significantly affect safety when changing lanes. The paper has defined a list of road situations in which changing lanes can be carried out and examined in detail the circumstances of this maneuver in each of them. Special attention has been paid to changing lanes performed by drivers to occupy a convenient lane for overtaking when they overtake, including in the oncoming lane, as well as changing lanes as an element of a multi-stage violation recently introduced into the traffic rules, namely a dangerous driving. Revealing the theoretical and practical issues related to the rules of changing lanes in certain traffic situations, the author has presented some data obtained while monitoring vehicles’ changing lanes in real road conditions. In conclusion, there have been proposed several specific measures of a regulatory, technical, and organizational nature, aimed at reducing traffic accidents associated with violation of the rules for vehicles’ changing lanes while driving on the roads.

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Artur D. Vardanyan. Intersections of line features as a special planning object of the settlements’ territories in the interests of transport infrastructure development: legal aspects

UDK: 711.7:656.02(076.5)

Artur D. Vardanyan - The Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); Research and Design Institute of the General Plan of the City of Moscow

Abstract. When planning the development of the transport infrastructure of settlements and urban districts, it is almost inevitable that it is necessary to envisage the intersections of line features for various purposes with each other, ensuring unhindered and safe convergence and divergence of communication routes and the transition of traffic flows from one direction to another. Accordingly, the arrangement of such intersections should be shown in the planning documentation for the settlements’ territories. The current paper has considered the features of planning the settlements’ territories in order to arrange the intersections of linear features of transport infrastructure with each other and with linear objects of other purposes. There has been carried out a classification of intersections on various grounds: by belonging of objects to various economic sectors; by belonging to different modes of transport; by mutual arrangement; by the functional purpose of the intersections. There have been established general signs of intersections of linear features. There has been formulated the author’s definition of the intersection of linear features of transport infrastructure.

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Vasily Al. Bokan. Problems of confiscation of land plots and property during the construction of roads

UDK: 501.7.654

Vasily Al. Bokan - FGI “Roads of Russia”

Abstract. In the conditions of modern reality, considering the increase in the population growth rate, a global infrastructure improvement of the Russian territory is of great necessity. Cities are expanding, the number of roads and highways is increasing. In order to achieve the set goals, the state and municipalities increasingly need space for development, i.e. plots of land. In the legislative framework, as well as in scientific materials, there is a clear distinction between the grounds for the confiscation of land for state and municipal needs. The current paper is devoted to these issues.

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Aleksey An. Maksurov. Investigation of water transport accidents: history and modernity

UDK: 656.62.052

Aleksey An. Maksurov - Candidate of Law, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University

Abstract. The current paper has described the features of the investigation of water transport accidents. The historical and legal approach applied by the author makes it possible to evaluate the possibility of returning to pre-existing forms of water accidents’ investigation. The history of the regulation of the investigation has been shown in the connection with the modern understanding of this type of legal activity. Based on the study results, there has been made a conclusion about the complexity of the category “investigation of water transport accidents” and its irreducibility to a single order and procedure because of the specificity of the types of water transport accidents, the amount of damage and the type of violated social relations. There have been described the activities of the coordinating body in this area, namely the commissions for the investigation of water transport accidents. The current paper has also drawn attention to the possibility of an expert study of the circumstances of the accident in order to obtain objective knowledge about its causes and mechanism.

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Viktor V. Koryakin., Evgeny Al. Nesterov. Legal, theoretical and methodological basis for the application of a risk-based approach to the state transport control (supervision)

UDK: 342.951:656

Viktor V. Koryakin - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport

Evgeny Al. Nesterov - Candidate of Law, the head of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered the essence and content of the risk-based method of transport control and supervision. There have been presented various points of view on this method of state control (supervision), its advantages and disadvantages. There has been given a scientific and practical commentary on legislative and by-laws regulating transport control and supervision. There has been substantiated that the widespread introduction of the risk-based method will significantly improve the efficiency of control and supervision activities in the field of transport.

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Aigozel S. Bailieva. The study of legislative and institutional barriers to the development of life cycle contracts in the road sector

UDK: 351.811

Aigozel S. Bailieva - Russian Road Scientific-Research Institute (FAI “ROSDORNII”)

Abstract. The issues of developing an object as a result of the work and its subsequent maintenance with subsequent recycling (if necessary) have always been an important area in the transport industry. The supreme bodies of state power of the Russian Federation are constantly in search of new tools to improve the quality and reduce the total cost of work that can ensure the achievement of goals and objectives in the most important areas of development of the state. One of the ways to solve this problem is to implement a life cycle contract. The practice of introducing life cycle contracts is becoming increasingly relevant, taking into account the specifics of transport industry development in the Russian Federation and the problems arising during the operation of roads and artificial road structures caused by shortcomings in the construction and reconstruction of these facilities. Taking responsibility for all elements of the cost of developing a facility and its further maintenance, a single contractor reduces operational risks and the amount of work. A long-term contract with fixed payments simplifies the planning of the exploitation budget by a customer, and a contractor replaces investments and fixed costs with variable costs, which reduces his risks. At the same time, an analysis of law enforcement practice available in some sources has shown a low level of readiness of subjects to sign such contracts due to the insufficient level of legislative development, which requires a more comprehensive and rational approach to this issue. The current paper has presented the estimation of the main institutional and legislative obstacles, barriers that prevent signing and executing life cycle contracts in the transport industry. There have been made proposals to eliminate gaps in the law.

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Artur D. Vardanyan. Features of the placement of transport infrastructure facilities on the urban locality lands

UDK: 349.41:656.02(076.5)

Artur D. Vardanyan - Research and Design Institute of the Moscow General Plan; Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Abstract. The current paper is devoted to the consideration of the features of the placement of transport infrastructure facilities on the urban locality lands. There have been shown the increased requirements for these objects in terms of ensuring the safety of traffic users and the population. There have been shown the contradictions between the requirement to ensure transport accessibility and the negative impact of transport on the environment. There has been substantiated the conclusion about the necessity to take these features into account when planning the territory of urban locality with transport development.

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Svetlana N. Zaikova. Aviation security in the structure of transport security: administrative and legal aspect

UDK: 342.951:351.82

Svetlana N. Zaikova - Candidate in Law, associate professor, FSBEI HE Saratov State Law Academy

Abstract. The study of the place of aviation security in the structure of transport security is substantiated with theoretical and practical requirements in determining the need to preserve or exclude the existing dual legal regulation of legal relations by the norms of air legislation and legislation in the field of transport security. The purpose of the current study was an attempt to identify the concept of the development of Russian legislation in the field of ensuring the security of aviation from acts of unlawful interference. The objectives of the current study included the following: to analyze the international legal framework for enforcing aviation security; to identify the concept and features of aviation security, taking into account the specifics of civil aviation; to answer the questions if there are legal grounds for abandoning the legal concept of “aviation security” and replacing it with the concept of “transport security” and whether it is possible to regulate legal relations arising in the field of enforcing aviation security by the norms of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 No. 16-FZ “On Transport Security” without parallel regulation of them by air legislation; what changes should be made to the administrative legislation to eliminate the existing excessive regulatory legal regulation of the legal relations in question. As a result of the study, there has been proposed to amend Art. 83 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

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Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov. State registration of vehicles in Russia: history and present time

UDK: 347.3/7

Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov - Candidate in Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper is devoted to the development of the system of state registration of vehicles in Russia, from the moment vehicles appeared on the roads of the country to the present day. The author has gradually and consistently described the changes that took place in this area of state activity when the number of vehicles increased in the country and there were socio-economic transformations in the state and society. A certain place in the paper has been given to the attributes of the state registration of vehicles such as state registration plates, their evolution from a means of ensuring tax revenues to the state treasury to an essential and mandatory element of the national system of registration of vehicles, ensuring their strict accounting and being an effective means of preventing violations of the legislation by owners and drivers of vehicles, as well as the fight against illegal actions in the field of road safety and certain types of criminal offenses. A significant attention in the paper has been paid to the transformations in the system of state registration of vehicles in the period from the end of the last century, when the rapid growth of the vehicles began in Russia and the rate of motorization of the country’s population increased, to the present days. The author has clearly shown those cardinal changes in the system of state registration of vehicles, which made it possible to streamline and largely simplify the process of registering vehicles in the relevant state bodies. There has been shown the possibility of using the current advantages of digital and information technologies for these purposes. The current paper has pointed to certain problems that exist in this area of social relations. In particular, the author has drawn attention to the problem of the so-called “great numbers”, which is actively discussed both on the pages of scientific publications and in the media. The attempts to solve the problem, unfortunately, have so far been unsuccessful.

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Viktor M. Koryakin. Some issues of improving the legal regulation of the opening and closing procedure for railway crossings

UDK: 347.763:656.055.926

Viktor M. Koryakin - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has analyzed the current legal regulation of the opening and closing procedure of railway crossings. There have been found out the problems associated with a lengthy and excessively bureaucratic procedure, the lack of legal norms related to the reimbursement of the owners of railway tracks for the expenditures caused by the opening and exploitation of railway crossings. There has been substantiated the necessity of empowering the authorized bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the right to open railway crossings. There have been formulated definite proposals to introduce appropriate amendments and additions to the legislation.

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