UDK: 343.3/.7
Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Abstract. The current paper has considered the features of one of the frequently performed maneuvers performed by vehicle drivers in the process of driving on roads, namely changing a row or lane. Justifying the relevance of the topic, the author has presented the statistical data characterizing the state of road safety in this country. There have been studied reasons of dangerous traffic situations during changing a row or lane, as well as the factors influencing their occurrence, with reference to the opinions of scientists expressed on the pages of both domestic and foreign scientific sources. Some attention has been paid to the mechanism of a traffic accident associated with a violation of the rules of changing a row or lane. The paper has also paid attention to the psychological aspects of the driver’s personality and his behavior as factors that significantly affect safety when changing lanes. The paper has defined a list of road situations in which changing lanes can be carried out and examined in detail the circumstances of this maneuver in each of them. Special attention has been paid to changing lanes performed by drivers to occupy a convenient lane for overtaking when they overtake, including in the oncoming lane, as well as changing lanes as an element of a multi-stage violation recently introduced into the traffic rules, namely a dangerous driving. Revealing the theoretical and practical issues related to the rules of changing lanes in certain traffic situations, the author has presented some data obtained while monitoring vehicles’ changing lanes in real road conditions. In conclusion, there have been proposed several specific measures of a regulatory, technical, and organizational nature, aimed at reducing traffic accidents associated with violation of the rules for vehicles’ changing lanes while driving on the roads.
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