
Svetlana N. Zaikova. Aviation security in the structure of transport security: administrative and legal aspect

UDK: 342.951:351.82

Svetlana N. Zaikova - Candidate in Law, associate professor, FSBEI HE Saratov State Law Academy

Abstract. The study of the place of aviation security in the structure of transport security is substantiated with theoretical and practical requirements in determining the need to preserve or exclude the existing dual legal regulation of legal relations by the norms of air legislation and legislation in the field of transport security. The purpose of the current study was an attempt to identify the concept of the development of Russian legislation in the field of ensuring the security of aviation from acts of unlawful interference. The objectives of the current study included the following: to analyze the international legal framework for enforcing aviation security; to identify the concept and features of aviation security, taking into account the specifics of civil aviation; to answer the questions if there are legal grounds for abandoning the legal concept of “aviation security” and replacing it with the concept of “transport security” and whether it is possible to regulate legal relations arising in the field of enforcing aviation security by the norms of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 No. 16-FZ “On Transport Security” without parallel regulation of them by air legislation; what changes should be made to the administrative legislation to eliminate the existing excessive regulatory legal regulation of the legal relations in question. As a result of the study, there has been proposed to amend Art. 83 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: aviation security; transport security; acts of unlawful interference; administrative legislation; state regulation.


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