
Olga N. Ordina. The transport regulation by public administration bodies in foreign countries: present experience for Russia

UDK: 342.92

Olga N. Ordina - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department 'Economic Theory and Management' of the Russian University of Transport, associate professor of the department ‘Theory and History of State and Law’ of the Moscow S.U. Witte University

Abstract. The current paper has considered the issues of public administration of the transport in foreign countries, which is carried out by public administration bodies. The paper has analyzed the system of public administration bodies in the USA, Great Britain, Germany and France, which regulate transport activities. The analysis of foreign experience of public administration of transport is relevant for Russia due to the formation of an extensive system of public administration bodies in this country. The public administration has been considered by the author not only as an organization, but also as the activities of bodies and institutions which were established to implement laws and were endowed with administrative and public powers. Public administration in the countries is a complex mechanism consisting of a centralized public administration, a functional decentralized administration, and local government bodies. The main principles of organization and activity of public administration in foreign countries are as follows: centralization (when the system of administrative bodies has been built on a hierarchical principle) and decentralization (when part of the functions of public administration has been transferred to the local administration); concentration (when power has been concentrated in one body, and other management structures could not make decisions against its will) and deconcentration (when power has been dispersed among bodies in such a way that the executive body transfered part of the power, while retaining full responsibility); unity and indivisibility of public administration; legality; efficiency. The author of the paper has concluded that the experience of Western countries in public administration of transport activities is relevant for nowaday Russia.

Keywords: transport; state body; state regulation; public administration; administrative law; law.


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