Статьи рубрики | Conferences results, other

Olga M. Zemlina. Issues of preparing for a class on the program of additional professional education “Legal and organizational basis of control and audit in the process of financial support of the needs for the development of the transport system” using the case-study methodology

UDK: 374.3

Olga M. Zemlina - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department 'Transport Law' of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honored worker of the Higher Professional Education

Abstract. The current paper presents the methodology for conducting classes for students in the program of additional professional education in order to form the knowledge of the current legal foundations and practice of financial control and audit of budget expenses in the process of financially supporting the needs for the development of the transport system. According to the analysis of theoretical aspects and experience in the use of the case-study methodology to improve professional competencies among the workers the Russian Ministry of Transport and its subordinate services and agencies, there have been identified the ways to improve the efficiency of using the methodology of situational analysis.

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Victoria Al. Pavlova. Urgent theoretical and practical aspects of the use of distance learning system in the framework of the implementation of additional professional advanced training programs for transport workers

UDK: 378.018.43:656

Victoria Al. Pavlova - senior lecturer, head of the additional professional education of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper analyzes the problematic and most urgent issues of distance learning in the framework of the implementation of additional professional advanced training programs for transport workers. It explores the methodology for conducting classes in order to form and systematize relevant theoretical knowledge for transport specialists who are studying under the programs of additional professional education. Based on the analysis of distance learning experience in the implementation of additional professional programs, there have been proposed the ways to improve the efficiency of the advanced education system for transport workers to implement the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030.

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Sergey N. Buday. Issues of organizing a system of permanent training of staff in the digital transformation of the prosecutor’s office

UDK: 347.962:355.02

Sergey N. Buday - Candidate of Law, docent, dean of the faculty for training scientific staff of the University of Prosecutor of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The current paper presents the results of the development of an individual project in the form of a substantially updated program for the advanced training of teachers “The use of electronic information and educational environment and information and communication technologies in the educational process”. There has been substantiated the fact that the implementation of the program is fully consistent with the goals and objectives of the digital transformation of the bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation. There has been proved that the further implementation of the program by the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation will help to improve the professional competencies of the teaching staff that are necessary to ensure the efficiency of permanent training of staff in the context of digital transformation in the prosecution authorities.

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Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin. Issues of implementing the program-targeted and project approaches to permanent education of staff for solving system-wide transport problems

UDK: 378.667.1:656

Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin - Doctor of Law, professor, head of the department 'Transport Law' of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, supervisor of the direction of the Scientific-Advisory Section of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Abstract. The current paper studies the legal foundations and practice of applying program-targeted and project approaches to solving system-wide transport problems, including in the field of staff training. The attention has been focused on the role of permanent education of transport specialists to implement the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of the transport system”. Based on the analysis of the theoretical foundations and principles legalized in the legislation and the procedure for constructing a system of legal support for the implementation of the program-targeted and project approach to solving the problems of the transport system of Russia, there have been proposed directions to improve activities in this area.

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Mikhail V. Klenov. Permanent education in the system of career lifts for young transport specialists

UDK: 378.667.1:656

Mikhail V. Klenov - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Pro-rector of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper analyzes the importance of the permanent education as a factor that ensures self-determination and career progress for young transport specialists. It considers the role of training at the Russian University of Transport as a career lift for young transport specialists. There have been formulated some suggestions on improving youth policy directions, on ensuring the interconnection of organizational and legal incentives for self-development of the personality of a student and a young specialist with mechanisms for forming professional competence of the transport workers during the development of Russia's transport system in accordance with the priorities, goals and objectives of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030.

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