Статьи рубрики | Civil and legal aspects of transport law and security

Scientific specialty:

5.1.3. Private law (civilistic) sciences (legal sciences)

Timonina I. Legal regulation of working time of transport workers

UDK 349.22

Timonina I. - candidate of legal sciences, docent of the department «Theory of law and natural resources law» of Law institute of the Russian university of transport

Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of legal regulation of working hours established in transport organizations. The author considers the issues related to the importance of normative legal regulation of working hours of transport companies, the specifics of its regulation, especially the work of transport workers. The author notes the further development of labor legislation and the Institute of working time, and the need for constant control by the state.

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Openeyshev O. Anipko I. Actual issues of supervision over the transport prosecutor’s office for compliance with anti-corruption legislation

UDK 347.963

Openeyshev O. - deputy prosecutor of the Moscow interregional transport prosecutor's office, state counselor of justice of the 3rd class, candidate of legal sciences, honored worker of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation

Anipko I. - graduate of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Abstract. This article examines the problematic issues related to the implementation by the transport prosecutor's office of the supervision of compliance with anti-corruption legislation, based on the analysis of the powers of the transport prosecutor's office, the practice of its activities, statistical data, the most conflicting and problematic legislation, measures to improve the efficiency of prosecutorial supervision in the sphere counteracting corruption in transport.

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