
Sergey Iv. Girko, Aleksey M. Voronov, Artem V. Mazein. System of subjects of public administration in the field of transport security in the context of digital transformation (federal level)

UDK: 342.518

Sergey Iv. Girko - Doctor of Law, professor, main researcher of the Center for Security Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, main researcher of the Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, honored scientist of the Russian Federation

Aleksey M. Voronov - Doctor of Law, professor, main researcher of the Center for Security Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, main researcher of the All-Russian Research Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Artem V. Mazein - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Ural Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, senior researcher of the Center for Security Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract. The changing external environment determines the growth of threats to transport infrastructure, and therefore today it is necessary to update the idea of the system of subjects of public administration in the field of transport security. The significance of such a study is in considering the constitutional principle of the unity of the system of public power, as well as in the context of the need for digital transformation of the state. With this approach, there can be established an expanded network system of public administration entities, which, in the context of digitalization, truly meets the principle of building a unified system of public authority. This is ensured by the possibility of digital interdepartmental interaction within the framework of a unified state information system for ensuring transport security. Current trends in digitalization allow the authors to suggest directions for the development of the area under consideration (for example, the introduction of the principle of proactivity for the certification of transport security forces).

Keywords: national security; public administration; principle of unity; transport; security; police; principle of proactivity; Information system; interdepartmental interaction; single register.


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