
Viktor M. Koryakin. Ensuring the survivability of transport systems in the context of a special military operation: legal aspect

UDK: 69.059.4

Viktor M. Koryakin - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper deals with theoretical and practical issues of ensuring the survivability of Russia’s transport infrastructure in the context of a special military operation. There has been shown that most of the publications on the problems of survivability of transport systems are devoted to the study of the stability of their functioning in emergency situations of a technological and natural-technogenic nature (accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, etc.). However, in the last year, because of the active armed confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, supported by the collective West, the problem of ensuring the survivability of the transport system in emergency situations of socio-political and military origin (war, armed conflict, terrorism, sabotage, etc.) has become significantly more urgent. There has been given an analysis and scientific and practical commentary of legislative and by-laws which regulate the functioning of the transport system in these conditions. There have been made some proposals to improve legislation in this area of public relations.

Keywords: survivability of transport systems and vehicles; special military operation; transport safety; transport security; martial law.


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