
Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov. State registration of vehicles in Russia: history and present time

UDK: 347.3/7

Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov - Candidate in Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper is devoted to the development of the system of state registration of vehicles in Russia, from the moment vehicles appeared on the roads of the country to the present day. The author has gradually and consistently described the changes that took place in this area of state activity when the number of vehicles increased in the country and there were socio-economic transformations in the state and society. A certain place in the paper has been given to the attributes of the state registration of vehicles such as state registration plates, their evolution from a means of ensuring tax revenues to the state treasury to an essential and mandatory element of the national system of registration of vehicles, ensuring their strict accounting and being an effective means of preventing violations of the legislation by owners and drivers of vehicles, as well as the fight against illegal actions in the field of road safety and certain types of criminal offenses. A significant attention in the paper has been paid to the transformations in the system of state registration of vehicles in the period from the end of the last century, when the rapid growth of the vehicles began in Russia and the rate of motorization of the country’s population increased, to the present days. The author has clearly shown those cardinal changes in the system of state registration of vehicles, which made it possible to streamline and largely simplify the process of registering vehicles in the relevant state bodies. There has been shown the possibility of using the current advantages of digital and information technologies for these purposes. The current paper has pointed to certain problems that exist in this area of social relations. In particular, the author has drawn attention to the problem of the so-called “great numbers”, which is actively discussed both on the pages of scientific publications and in the media. The attempts to solve the problem, unfortunately, have so far been unsuccessful.

Keywords: state registration of vehicles; state registration plates; provision of vehicle registration services.


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