
Aleksandr P. Ovechkin. The essence and content of the concept of “acts of unlawful interference” in transport

UDK: 654.1:006.354

Aleksandr P. Ovechkin - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. After the adoption of the Federal Law “On Transport Security”, the term “acts of unlawful interference” firmly entered and became fixed in the legal transport terminology. However, its fixation in legislation caused a great controversy about the essence and content of this concept. Meanwhile, their application in theory and practice largely depends on terminological certainty and accuracy. It is no coincidence that the slogan of the ancient Roman laweyrs was “absoluta sententia expositore non indigent”, which means “a clear meaning does not require explanation”. Legal terms work effectively in case they are clearly defined and understood. Therefore, in the current paper, the author, joining the ongoing discussion on the term “acts of unlawful interference”, has made an attempt to give his own interpretation, to analyze the pros and cons of the legally established definition of this concept.

Keywords: transport; transport security; an act of unlawful interference; terrorism.


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