
Nikolay Al. Dukhno. Legal science and engineering knowledge

UDK: 347.463:62

Nikolay Al. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. At the end of the XIX-th century, in the early years of the formation of the Moscow Engineering School (now the Russian University of Transport) with the participation of the Ministry of Railways, legal science (jurisprudence) was included in the process of training engineers. The jurisprudence formed on the basis of theoretical legal science became the subject of attention of the Ministry of Railways. In 1899, for the Moscow Engineering School, the department developed and approved a special program for teaching legal sciences to students. The program and the course of jurisprudence prepared turned out to be unique in its content and structure. Thinking transport workers felt the engineer’s need for legal knowledge as a legal source of information. The engineer, in addition to special knowledge and skills, was required to be a highly cultured person, to know and understand the legal mechanisms of the railways structure and operation, to stand firmly on legal principles in his professional activities. The evaluation of the program and the course of jurisprudence, compared with the study of law today, made it possible to make conclusions about the directions for the formation of the legal knowledge of engineers, whose training is carried out at the Russian University of Transport. The purpose of the current study was to obtain information about the place of legal knowledge in the structure of engineering knowledge, formed at the early stage of setting up the Moscow Engineering School. The content of legal knowledge can become a source of information for the development of concepts of legal influence on the development of engineering knowledge at the Russian University of Transport at the present. The methodology of the research was made by the scientific methods of cognition of the information about the ways of setting up a new transport university; about the methods of forming the engineering knowledge structure; about the methods of determining the content of legal knowledge in the engineering knowledge structure. Methods for identifying, evaluating, analyzing, comparing, verifying information about training of engineers in the XIX-th century accompanied the accumulation of knowledge and the formulation of the conclusions set forth in the paper. The method of comparing the obtained data with knowledge, confirmed by the rich research experience of the author, has developed the conditions for reasonable conclusions on the current study.

Keywords: engineering knowledge; legal science (jurisprudence); engineering knowledge structure; structure of legal knowledge; transport university; types of railways.


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