
Tatiyana An. Polyakova, Ignat S. Boychenko, Nataliya An. Troyan. Information and legal support of information security in the transport sector in the context of digital development

UDK: 656:005.932

Tatiyana An. Polyakova - Doctor of Law, main researcher, acting head of the sector of information law and international information security of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation

Ignat S. Boychenko - Candidate of Law, researcher of the sector of information law and international information security of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Nataliya An. Troyan - researcher of the sector of information law and international information security of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The current paper was prepared as part of the implementation of the state assignment of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Legal regulation of the digital economy, artificial intelligence, information security” (No. 0136-2021-0042).

Abstract. The current paper deals with the information and legal support of information security in the transport sector in the context of digital development. Thus, the development of information and telecommunication technologies and the digitalization of public relations have also affected the field of transport and transport services. There have appeared not only new transportation means, such as unmanned aircraft, but there are also being introduced information systems related to the identification of passengers in transport. The development of electronic interaction between various subjects of information exchange in transport is a consequence of the global digitalization of public relations, which creates certain risks of enforcing information security, a threat to the information transport infrastructure.

Keywords: transport; information security; digital economy; transformation; legal support; digital space.


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