
Nikolay Al. Dukhno. State of legal environmental protection on water transport in Russia

UDK: 629.5.068.3

Nikolay Al. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, advisor of the administration of the Russian University of Transport, honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The purpose of the current paper was to determine the state of the environment in the field of water transport; to establish the influence degree of water transport on environmental pollution; to identify the role of legal means in environmental protection in the field of water transport; to substantiate the necessity for new measures to improve the legal impact in environmental protection in the field of water transport. The current study was carried out on the basis of scientific methods of search, assessment, comparison, statistics, forecasting, as a means of understanding theoretical, normative legal and practical sources, reflecting the processes of protection of water facilities used by water transport. The method of analyzing sources that contain information on the state of water facilities, on the degree of their pollution, on the impact of the right to protect water facilities in the field of water transport on the water pollution effect on human health provided substantiation of the current conclusions. There has been established that the harmful effect of water transport objects and means is not so great in comparison with other sources of pollution of water facilities and the environment in the regions where water transport operates. There has been identified low efficiency of the influence of legal sources and legal means on the relations arising during the legal protection of the environment at water transport facilities. There have been established the incompatible processes between the adoption of laws and their implementation in legal relations for the protection of water facilities, inconsistencies between the legal requirements for environmental protection and activities that pollute water facilities. There have been made the conclusions about the weak influence of legal sources and legal means on the environment protection in the field of water transport. The study has confirmed the necessity to develop new legal measures to ensure favorable environment in the field of water transport. The impact of water transport on the unsatisfactory state of water facilities is not the main source of environmental pollution, but measures of legal impact on water transport activities can achieve a legal order, the level of which will ensure the environment preservation that is friendly to human health and natural objects. This requires significant changes in the sources of law and the means of its implementation in the legal order on water facilities. The development of legal sources and legal means should be carried out in new ways that ensure law transformation into a functional tool, an individual into a person with a stable legal worldview. The direction of such development forms the legal conditions for legal order formation that guarantees environment preservation not only on water facilities, but also on other natural objects in a human friendly condition.

Keywords: legal protection of water facilities; pollution of water facilities; sources of pollution; pollution degree; legal sources and legal means; transformation of law; environmental harm; compensation for harm.


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