
Nikolay Al. Dukhno. The reasons for the transport education development

UDK: 378:656

Nikolay Al. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, Director of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport , honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The special properties of the transport industry are the main factor that requires the formation of transport education, the content and form of which can provide training for specialists in the demanded transport professions. Transport education is a special type of educational activity that has the properties of educating transport workers, and can be fully developed if the strengthening of communication between transport universities and practical units of the transport complex will be carried out under the control of a single executive authority in the field of transport. The shortcomings of domestic education impede the education of transport workers and result in losses. The way to get rid of them is the development of transport education according to the new way proposed by the author of the current paper. Transport education, with its new content, can become the main means of educating true specialists capable of achieving the goals set in state program documents.

Keywords: transport education; transport universities; transport schools; transport practice; transport professions; education system.


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