
Mariya An. Bazhina. On the issue of systematization of transport legislation Russian Federation

UDK: 347.763

Mariya An. Bazhina - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department of business law of the Ural State Law University

Abstract. The current paper deals with the systematization of transport legislation, as one of the acute issues of transport law. At present, the discussions about the choice of a way to improve transport legislation are of particular importance, since there is a revision of the legal regulation of certain spheres of life, including transport activities. The author of the paper has examined various points of view regarding the systematization of transport legislation that existed throughout the period of its development. The use of the historical method in this study made it possible to identify a trend towards further improvement of transport legislation. Taking into account the necessity for international integration, an increase in cargo turnover and, as a result, an increase in the competitiveness of domestic carriers, the primary task is to unify transport legislation. The most productive way of convergence of national legislation regulating the activities of certain types of transport is a codification of transport legislation in the form of a single normative legal act, the transport code. This conclusion has been substantiated by an analysis of the current legislation, which is distinguished by repetitions, contradictions, and the absence of a single conceptual apparatus. It is with the help of the development of the transport code that it is possible to build the correlation among all elements of the transport legislation system, to develop the logic of presentation. Thus, the transport code can become some instrument for harmonizing disparate transport legislation.

Keywords: systematization of legislation; transport law; transport code; codification; inconsistency of legislation.


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