
Denis V. Iroshnikov. Legal culture and security: some aspects of correlation

UDK: 340.113:656

Denis V. Iroshnikov - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department ‘Theory of law, history of law and international law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has presented a scientific analysis of the correlation between legal culture and security, in the context of which the author set the goal to determine the dependence of the level of legal culture in society on the corresponding level of ensuring the safety of the individual, security of the society and state. In this aspect, there has been impossible to ignore the concept of ‘safety culture’, since a number of scientific studies are devoted to its various aspects today. Considering the quantitative growth and qualitative transformation of threats to people security in the modern world, the formation of a security culture is one of the most important tasks on the agenda. With regard to transport relations, safety culture plays a crucial role, since the security of all participants (both transport users and unauthorized persons, for example, pedestrians) directly depends on its level. In the context of the analysis of legal culture and its correlation with security, there have been also considered the issues of legal consciousness and legal ideology, as an important element of its structure. In addition, the paper has risen the problem of legal nihilism as a threat to the safety of the individual, security of the society and state. In particular, legal nihilism, expressed in the denial of traffic rules, often results in road accidents and threatens human life and health, his property and the safety of other road users. The conducted complex analysis allowed the author to prove the concept that an increase in the level of legal culture has a direct impact on the level of security. In this regard, improving legal culture through the influence on legal consciousness through legal ideology is an activity aimed at ensuring security.

Keywords: legal culture; safety/security; legal awareness; legal education; legal ideology; safety culture.


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