
Sergey L. Lobachev. The state and prospects for the development of the functioning of the student’s personal account in the electronic information and educational environment of the university on the example of the Russian University of Transport

UDK: 378.1

Sergey L. Lobachev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of the department ‘Information Technologies in Jurisprudence and management documentation’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Specialists have been dealing with the development of the information and educational environment of the university and the education system in Russia for about 25 years. During this period, the relevance of this issue has changed a lot, and electronic information and educational environments (EIEE) of universities have become real only due to an appropriate regulatory framework. However, the development of EIEE until 2020 was carried out mainly in order to ensure compliance with regulatory documents. The implementation of the educational process was carried out using distance learning systems (DLS), many of which were developed and implemented long before the emergence of EIEE in universities. The situation changed dramatically in 2020, and this led to a reconsidering of many existing provisions in conditions of time pressure. EIEE turned out to be unable to provide significant assistance to universities in the context of the epidemic, since they were not an instrument of the educational process, but information showcases for regulatory authorities. The experience gained in 2020 made it possible to analyze how successfully EIEE cope with support of the educational process, and outline ways to improve them. In the current work there was made an attempt to generalize the proposals for improving the EIEE of the Russian University of Transport (RUT), developed by students of the Law Institute RUT. The data presented in the work were the results of studying course works completed in the fall of 2020. Each student could make any number of proposals. The conducted analysis made it possible to break down all proposals into three categories: technical revision, supply EIEE with functions like the LMS, and information contents. The analysis made it possible to outline two ways for the further development of the EIEE in RUT and highlight one of them, which can ensure the development of EIEE without the risk of disrupting the educational process and further integration of the university into a promising industry information environment.

Keywords: distance educational technologies; information and educational environment; student's personal account; distance learning system.


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