
Olga Al. Khotko, Anna Al. Chebotareva. Legal issues of international cooperation in the field of environmental safety of transport activities

UDK: 349.6

Olga Al. Khotko - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department of ecological and agricultural law, the Belarus State University

Anna Al. Chebotareva - Doctor of Law, docent, head of the department ‘Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has analyzed the regulation of ensuring environmental safety in the field of transport activities in various countries and interstate integration formations. The paper has also considered the prospects for improving legal international approaches in order to increase cooperation between countries. Among the significant factors that impede the solution of this urgent problem is the imperfection of the institutional environment for ensuring environmental safety. There has been established that the European Union has a mechanism for interaction between the countries - members of the Eurasian Economic Union, but it is not sufficiently developed. There has been proposed to intensify international cooperation in the environmental and legal sphere, which is a necessary element in the transport sector in order to reduce the impact of transport on the environment and the global problem associated with climate change. There have been made conclusions about the necessity to formulate the principles of international cooperation in the field of ensuring environmental safety of transport activities.

Keywords: environmental law; international and legal mechanisms; ensuring environmental safety; transport activities; institutionalization.


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