
Maksim P. Tishakov. Selected aspects of legal regulation and organization of road traffic safety in the 1950s

UDK: 351.811:656.13(477)

Maksim P. Tishakov - Candidate of Law, lecturer of the Rostov Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Russian Ministry of Justice)

Abstract. On the basis of a detailed scientific analysis of little-known archival documents and materials, specialized literature, publications of periodicals, there have been established the features and processes of legal regulation and organization of road traffic safety in the middle of the last century. In a retrospective aspect, using the example of Soviet Ukraine, the author of the current paper has analyzed certain areas of activity of the authorities in countering road traffic injuries, increasing the efficiency of road transport, organizing traffic, and training the staff of drivers. The absence of a unified, comprehensive national strategy in the field of road traffic safety made the republican executive and administrative authorities in the 1950s, in the conditions of intensive motorization, actively look for the most optimal means of legal influence on the heads of motor enterprises and road traffic users in order to combat with road traffic accidents. The organizational and legal experience of the activities of executive authorities in ensuring road traffic safety, studied historically and legally, does not lose its relevance in modern conditions, and can be applied at present to achieve zero mortality on the roads, preserve the life and health of all road traffic participants.

Keywords: accident rate; road transport; road traffic safety; road injuries.


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