
Vladimir M. Yurin, Arstangaly Am. Nurushev. Search for the stolen as the most important direction in investigating criminal encroachments on cargo from the rolling stock of railway transport

UDK: 343.985

Vladimir M. Yurin - Candidate of Law, docent, professor of the department ‘Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Forensics’ of the National Research University of Saratov State University

Arstangaly Am. Nurushev - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department ‘Traceology and Ballistics’ of the Educational and Scientific Complex of expert and forensic activities of the Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Abstract. The current paper has considered the search for the stolen as the most important direction in investigating criminal encroachments on cargo from the rolling stock of railway transport and, at the same time, as a tactical operation, including a set of operational-search measures, investigative and other actions aimed at establishing the location, detection and seizure of the stolen property. The authors have proved that the specific search methods used in the course of such an operation are determined not only by the properties of the stolen things and the possible ways of concealing and selling them, but also by the investigative situation in the criminal case. Taking into account the situational factor, there have been distinguished four vectors of the search for the stolen cargo, namely “from the place of the theft - to the place of concealment of the stolen valuables”, “from the time of the theft - to the place of concealment of the stolen valuables”; “from the identity of the criminal - to the place where the stolen goods were concealed”; “from the qualitative and quantitative properties of the stolen cargo - to its detection”. Under certain investigative conditions, there could also be formed methods of search of a stolen cargo based on the analysis of the operational situation in transport, personal experience in investigating thefts of cargo and other factors.

Keywords: railway transport; theft of cargo; compensation for damage; search; methods of search; investigative situations.


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