
Aleksandr P. Ovechkin. On some issues of anti-terrorism measures on transport

UDK: 343.326:656

Aleksandr P. Ovechkin - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor, professor of the department ‘Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. One of the most serious international problems is anti-terrorism, which is faced by all countries of the world, including this country. Transport and its infrastructure have become one of the most frequent and vulnerable targets of terrorist attacks. Let us recall September 11 attacks in the USA, numerous hit-and-runs in crowded places, attempts to blow up aircraft at London airport, explosions in Paris and Madrid metro, etc. The explosions in Moscow metro, blowing up the train from Moscow to St. Petersburg, the terrorist attacks in Volgograd, etc. became very public in our country. Anti-terrorism is a complicated task. The current paper has made an attempt to consider some of the legal aspects of protecting transport from terrorist attacks.

Keywords: transport security; terrorist attack; an act of unlawful interference.


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