
Olga V. Kobzeva, Olga N. Skuybedina. Sociolinguistic and cultural-semiotic features of the development of the French law system

UDK: 811

Olga V. Kobzeva - Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor of the the department ‘Methodology of law and legal communication’of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Olga N. Skuybedina - Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, associate professor of the the department ‘Methodology of law and legal communication’of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. There has been conducted the thorough analysis of the French law system from the points of continental law. The current paper has presented a comparative analysis of the main components of the legal community. There have been revealed the sociolinguistic and cultural-semiotic features of the history of French and Russian law, and determined the formation stages of the language of law in both cultures. There has been also shown an originality of the legal conceptual apparatus of the national French law. The authors of the current paper have considered the role and significance of this legal system through the prism of the “normative pole” of Romano-Germanic law.

Keywords: proof of guilt; concepts; “justice and crime”; sources of law; French colony; cultural and linguistic phenomenon.


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