Ivan V. Kholikov., Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin. The main tendencies in criminal legal regulation of transport activities in the People’s Republic of China
UDK: 341.9:347.965
Ivan V. Kholikov - Doctor of Law, professor, professor of the department of state-juridical disciplines of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, deputy supervisor of the direction ‘Transport security’ of the Scientific-Advisory Section of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAS CSS RAS)
Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin - Doctor of law, professor, head of the department ‘Transport Law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, supervisor of the direction ‘Transport security’ of the Scientific-Advisory Section of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The current paper has examined the present state and main tendencies in the development of the criminal legislation of the PR China after the adoption of the Criminal Code in 1979, due to the political and economic changes. Taking into account the significant formal and dogmatic shortcomings identified in the process of law enforcement there has been a great necessity to make significant amendments through the adoption of numerous regulatory legal acts in the field of criminal law. This circumstance undoubtedly introduced a certain dissonance into the entire system of this legal branch. In order to form a unified and holistic view of the current Criminal Code, there has been conducted an analysis of the individual amendments which are the most important for the regulation of transport relations adopted in recent years. The current paper has also provided an overview of the current criminal law practice in China, has presented some crime statistics, discussed the tendencies specific to the criminal regulation of transport activities. At the same time, the authors have emphasized the attention paid by the Criminal law of China to the issues of enforcing the transport infrastructure security, both from the point of view of economic development, and ensuring geopolitical stability and security of the state. Indeed, for China, transport is the most important component of the country's economy, as well as the infrastructure component and the basis for the development of all other types of economy. In this regard, there has been emphasized that the specifics of China’s positive criminal law in the field of liability for crimes against transport security is that the legal provisions providing for the corresponding criminal sanction for offenses, in particular, in non-compliance with the established procedure for the functioning of the elements of the transport complex were formulated by simple dispositions and at the same time they had a minimum number of qualifying features. There has been noted that the specifics of the positive law of China in the field of criminal liability for violation of traffic rules, on the contrary, is the legalization of an impressive array of qualifying features. The abovementioned has allowed the authors to conclude about the necessity for constructive cooperation between legal scholars of the two states. The authors of the paper consider that the study of the problems of counteracting certain types of modern crime is an important area of scientific cooperation. No less significant is the interaction of the leading transport universities in Russia and China, which train lawyers in transport, as part of joint projects to study the experience of teaching legal disciplines, exchange students for various programs, including postgraduate programs, as well as networking.
Keywords: Criminal law of PR China; crimes; transport; corruption; cooperation; national and international security.
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