Yury Iv. Petrov. Contribution of the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers to the development of transport education in Russia
UDK: 656.2
Yury Iv. Petrov - Candidate of Historical Sciences, docent, associate professor of the department ‘Customs Law and Organization of the Customs Affairs’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport
Abstract. The current paper discusses the formation and development of the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers, established in Russia at the beginning of the XX century. There has been carried out the analysis of the legal regulation of the students’ training system, the requirements for the training level of engineers, the organization of teaching in an educational institution. The conducted analysis of legislative acts and materials of the Ministry of Railways allows getting a clear idea on the whole spectrum of the abovementioned issues. There have been shown the transformations of the educational system in higher educational institutions of Russia, attitude to them in transport universities and their impact on the development of transport education. The results of the current study give an idea of both the stages of the formation of the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers and its role in the development of the country's transport education system. They can serve as a starting point for further discussion about the prospects, trends and directions of development of modern Russian transport education.
Keywords: history; legal sources; railway engineers; Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers; transport education.
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