
Yuriy Yu. Orlov. Identification of corruption-sensitive areas in purchase conducted by OJSC «Russian Railways»

UDK: 347:656.2.06

Yuriy Yu. Orlov - post-graduate, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper analyzes the purchase of goods, works and services to meet the needs of state and municipal bodies and enterprises of the Russian Federation, as well as to timely and fully meet the needs of state corporations and companies, entities of natural monopolies, autonomous organizations and business entities in the authorized capital of which the share of the Russian Federation exceeds 50%, which have been carried out in violation of the current legislation despite its necessity to develop the business environment and the competitive commodity market, works and services in the Russian Federation. The purchase procedures in the Russian Federation, as in any other country, are a field for committing crimes both against the interests of state, service and local authorities, and for encroaching upon economic relations and economic activity. The paper discusses corruption-sensitive areas in purchases conducted by the state-owned corporation “Russian Railways” and studies the legislation in purchase procedures. There have been considered the points of view of foreign scientists on the issue of combating corruption in the transport sector and purchases. There have been analyzed the data on the purchases conducted by OJSC “Russian Railways”, and there have been made the conclusions according to the results of the audits in the mentioned company and subsidiaries.

Keywords: corruption; purchase; OJSC “Russian Railways”; R. Klitgaard’s formula; bribe; feedback.


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