
Yury V. Kosolapov, Anna Al. Sivova. Special railway transport for transportation of offenders in Russia in the 1950-1980s

UDK: 348.3

Yury V. Kosolapov - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, associate professor of the department of customs law and organization of the customs affairs, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Anna Al. Sivova - Candidate of Philological Sciences, leading researcher of Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Abstract. In the second half of the XIX-th century the railways revolutionized not only in economics and in military affairs, but also in prisoners’ escort. It was then that a special railway transport appeared to transport offenders in Russia. It improved from cars for prisoners’ transportation of the late XIX-th century - the beginning of the 20th century, which were referred to by the people in different historical periods as "arvagon", "krasnukha", "teplushka", "stolypinskaya", to the wagons of the new generation. The crucial changes in the technical equipment of special cars/wagons occurred in the 1950-1980s.

Keywords: railway transport; special-purpose car/wagon; police convoy/escort; offenders/criminals.


  1. Organy i voyska MVD Rossii [Bodies and troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia]: Kratkiy istoricheskiy ocherk. — Moskva: Ob"yedinennaya redaktsiya MVD Rossii, 1996.
  2. Vysochayshe utverzhdennoye Polozheniye o perevozkakh arestantov po zheleznym dorogam ot 24 marta 1877 g. № 57096 [The highest approved Regulation on the transportation of prisoners by railways of March 24, 1877, No. 57096] // PSZRI. Sobraniye (1825—1881). T. 52 (1877). CH. I. S. 234—246.

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