
Pravkin Sergey A., Astremsky Andrey D. Improvement of the transport system through the development of mechanisms of government-private partnership

UDK: 338.47:656.2

Pravkin Sergey A. - candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department "Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law", Law Institute, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Astremsky Andrey D. - candidate of Economics, docent, associate professor of the department "Customs Law and Organization of the Customs Affairs", Law Institute, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The article analyzes the basic models which reduce the risks of economic activities in the implementation of the Transport Strategy for the period up to 2030 in projects based on public-private partnership that can rise the value and role of the competitive environment in the economy and increase the pace of the entire transport system development. The financing problems of the investment projects through public-private partnership in the transport sector are considered, and the mechanism of coordination of public-private objectives and interests in the projects are studied. The author makes a comparative legal analysis of transport and investment legislation of the public-private partnership agreements. The effective development of the transport system when implementing the Transport Strategy is associated with the necessity to develop various forms of the negotiated agreements on public-private partnership. There have been proposed measures and forms of interaction among public authorities and investors when implementing transport projects. The implementation of a joint Transport strategy using the mechanism of public-private partnership can result in budget burden decrease by attracting private investment in socially important sectors of the economy. The mechanism of public-private partnership in the transport sector will give an opportunity to attract real investments into transport industry. Improvement of the mechanism of public-private partnerships expands participation of transport companies in the investment activities and in modernization of the infrastructure. According to the analysis of the application of existing transport and investment legislation, one can make a conclusion about a certain defect of the implementation of the public-private partnership mechanism in transport, including the fact of insufficient use of fiscal policy measures. To implement the Transport strategy effectively it has been proposed to use measures of fiscal stimulus.

Keywords: public-private partnership; transport system; antitrust policy; transport mobility; transport and logistics complexes; multimodal transportation; transport safety.


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