
Kobzeva E., Mamina O., Khimich T. Genesis of a legal institution depriving the right to drive a vehicle as a form of administrative punishment

UDK: 342.9

Kobzeva E. - candidate of legal sciences associate professor «Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law» Russian University of Transport

Mamina O. - candidate of legal sciences associate professor «Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law» Russian University of Transport

Khimich T. - candidate of legal sciences associate professor «Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law» Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Ensuring safety in transport is one of the most important and urgent tasks of the state. Accident on such a mode of transport as automobile, causing enormous physical, property and moral damage to society as a whole, and to individual citizens, usually results from individual offenses of road users. One of the most effective tools of public administration in the field of road safety is the possibility of applying this type of administrative punishment as deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle. The article is devoted to the investigation of the mechanisms of state regulation of the road traffic at different stages of its development and, in particular, the legal institution of deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle from the point of view of its origin and development in the domestic legislation. The work also analyzes the norms that determine the composition of the offenses for which this punishment is assigned, the procedure for its appointment, calculation, and execution; statistical data related to the subject of the study are given.

Keywords: theory of law; history of law; institute of law; administrative law; administrative responsibility; administrative punishment; transport; transport safety; vehicle; road traffic; deprivation of special rights; fine.


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