
Evgeny Al. Nesterov. Law enforcement in transport as an academic discipline

UDK: 343.35(075.8):656

Evgeny Al. Nesterov - Candidate of Law, the head of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper is a scientific and practical commentary and a detailed review of the textbook “Law enforcement in transport”, published by the Moscow publishing house KnoRUS. The textbook systematically presents educational material that reveals the features of law enforcement activities of state bodies and other entities in the transport sector, as one of the most significant and dynamically developing sectors of the Russian economy. There has been considered the status of law enforcement agencies in transport, their structure, concerns, and powers. Special attention has been paid to the peculiarities of law enforcement activities in transport in general and in its individual modes, such as railway, road, air, river, and sea.

Keywords: law enforcement; law enforcement agencies; transport prosecutor's office; transport police; control and supervision activity in transport; transport security; vehicle traffic safety.


  1. Koryakin, V. M. Pravookhranitel'naya deyatel'nost' na transporte : uchebnik [Law enforcement in transport] / V. M. Koryakin. — Moskva : KnoRus, 2022. (Rekomendovano Ekspertnym sovetom UMO v sisteme VO i SPO v kachestve uchebnika po spetsial'nosti «Pravookhranitel'naya deyatel'nost'»).

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