
Nikolay Al. Dukhno. Transport education regulators in early 1941. Evaluation of the work experience of Georgy Konstantinovich Evgrafov, professor of MIIT

UDK: 656:94(47)

Nikolay Al. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. In the pre-war years, scientists at the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (MIIT) did not think about whether a transport education was necessary or not. They tried to develop transport education, continuing the tradition of their predecessors, who opened transport schools based on classical science. For more than three centuries, there has been a process of developing ways to transform theory into engineering knowledge, directing it to the development of transport capabilities. A prominent supporter of the development of transport education in the 1930s–1940s was Georgy Konstantinovich Evgrafov, professor of MIIT. In fundamental scientific works, the scientist revealed the core of theoretical thoughts, which became a solid foundation for the development of applied transport sciences. It required a professional team capable to conduct research, form transport science and embody it in the minds of a new generation of transport specialists. Such a team, according to G.K. Evgrafov, should have been a department. In his annual reports to the teaching and student staff G.K. Evgrafov according to his scientific values and the skill of an experienced professor, assessed the work of each department over the past year and set tasks for the development of transport education for transport engineers of a new generation. Being the deputy head of MIIT for educational and scientific work, the professor was able to convince his opponent with evidence obtained from scientific sources. His experience proved the facts of the positive organizational and scientific work of the university under the influence of a person with a high scientific outlook, with a rich moral and ethical thinking enriched with legal ideas. The purpose of our study was to establish ways to combine law with other types of transport education regulators and determine their impact on the quality of training specialists demanded by transport in the pre-war period. The research methodology was scientific and cognitive methods for evaluating many materials that reflected the formation of transport education in Russia and at the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers, the origins of which come from the Institute of Railway Engineers founded in 1896. The analysis of information about transport education was combined with the comparative method and the author’s evaluative techniques, acquired by 40 years of experience and the author’s skills in scientific and teaching activities at the universities.

Keywords: regulators of transport education; science; right; moral values; fundamental science; applied transport sciences; main tasks of departments; engineering knowledge.


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  2. Programma kursa «Ekonomika transporta» dlya inzhenerno-tekhnicheskikh spetsial'nostey vtuzov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta [The program of the course "Economics of transport" for engineering and technical specialties of higher educational institutions of railway transport]. ― Moskva, 1941.

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