
Bulat Az. Bayramov, Mikhail V. Morgunov, Aleksandr V. Romanov. Ballast water: pollution eradication ways

UDK: 341.9:349.6

Bulat Az. Bayramov - student of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Mikhail V. Morgunov - student of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Aleksandr V. Romanov - student of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Human economic and economic activity leads to the fact that under the effect of anthropogenic factors, the World oceans are intensively depleted in both the environmental and economic components. The mankind needs to solve the current problem of growing needs and limited resources. In the current study, we have considered possible ways to eradicate environmental pollution caused by ballast water discharge, as well as features of national legislation in the field of environmental law with an eye to foreign experience, to determine possible ways to reduce the negative impact on the world around us.

Keywords: ballast water; environmental law; discharge; ecology; ballast; environment.


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