Статьи номера | Issue №50

Articles of the journal issue №2 (50) (2nd quarter of 2024)

All articles in PDF

Maksim V. Lavrukhin. Efficient strategies for protecting the Russian transport system from cartels and oligopolies

UDK: 34

Maksim V. Lavrukhin - Derzhavin Tambov State University

Abstract. In the current paper there have been considered the issues posed by cartels and oligopolies in the Russian transport sector and proposed efficient strategies to protect the system from their harmful influence. Through a comprehensive review of relevant literature and case studies, the current study has highlighted the importance of legal and regulatory frameworks, competition policies and collaborative efforts among stakeholders to provide a fair competition and develop a dynamic and efficient transport industry. The study results have highlighted the necessity to take proactive measures to identify and curb anti-competitive behavior and ensure transparency and accountability in market dynamics.

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Yury V. Mel’nik. Definition of the concept “Flag of convenience” and its difference from “open registry”

UDK: 347

Yury V. Mel’nik - Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. According to the generally accepted definition, “Flag of convenience” is a business practice whereby a ship’s owner is of a nationality other than the nationality of the ship. But the problem is that the lists of registries, which are called “flags of convenience”, are very different. The current paper has aimed to develop a definition of “flag of convenience” through the analysis of the history of ship registration, as well as comparative legal analysis. To study this there has been reviewed legislation of six countries, as well as research papers from eight countries. As a result, there have been identified three main approaches to determining which flags are considered convenient. Thus, a registry may be called a “flag of convenience” if the flag state does not fulfill its responsibilities. There have been determined the characteristic features by which one can identify a “flag of convenience”. This information can be crucial in making recommendations to Russian shipowners and insurance companies when assessing the risks and benefits of a particular registry, since 61% of ships owned by domestic shipowners are registered in other countries.

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Vitaly V. Klyuev. To the 25-th anniversary of the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation: history, present, and future

UDK: 347

Vitaly V. Klyuev - director of the Department of State Policy in the field of maritime and inland water transport of the Ministry of Transport of Russia

Abstract. Maritime law in the Russian legal system is a complex branch of law, the main element of which is the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation (MSC). On April 30, 2025, there was the 25th anniversary of the date of coming into effect of the MSC of RF, which became a worthy successor to the 1929 and 1969 predecessors with similar names. The current paper has given an analysis of the place of the MSC in the Russian legal system, an analysis of the evolution of the MSC over its 25-year history and an evaluation of possible further development.

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Evgeny Al. Nesterov, Marianna Yu. Filippova, Stanislav Ev. Shvagerus. Formation of social security mechanisms for platform employees

UDK: 349.22

Evgeny Al. Nesterov - Candidate of Law, head of the Law Institute, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Marianna Yu. Filippova - Candidate of Law, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Stanislav Ev. Shvagerus - Head of the Competence Center of the International Eurasian Forum “Taxi”

Abstract. The development of modern tools for implementing the principle of labor freedom contains not only new opportunities to manage one’s abilities for professional activity, but also new challenges for the formation of social security mechanisms. Self-employment, including platform employment, transforms traditional labor law institutions into new categories of social relations. The concept of the unity of social risk determines the relevance of developing models of social insurance for platform employees, allowing them, along with the employed workers, to be subjects of social security payments. In the current paper there has been considered the feasibility of empowering digital platforms with functions to provide social guarantees to the self-employed, the necessity to form associations of platform employees, and there has been modeled a prototype of their powers.

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Nadezhda Ev. Kozachenko. On the concept of information security in the transport field

UDK: 347.45

Nadezhda Ev. Kozachenko - Joint Stock Company “TMKh-Locomotives”

Abstract. The basis for regulatory regulation of information security issues is the specificity of this category as a special legal phenomenon. At the same time, in the scientific literature there is no certainty regarding the essence of this legal phenomenon, its characteristic features and immanent signs of legal relations, which is explained by the polysemy and complexity of this phenomenon itself, and an inconsistent approach of a lawmaker to the definition of this concept. The problem is aggravated by the uncertainty of the doctrinal definition of information security as a basic categorical concept, which does not allow identifying its essential features and properties in relation to such an object of legal protection as a transport field. Based on the study results, there has been proved that there are no real contradictions between the ‘legal’ (objective) and ‘technological’ approaches to defining information security, and the author positions only complement each other. There has been proposed to combine the activity itself to achieve a state of security and the result of such activity in the concept of information security. Considering the specifics of the transport industry there has been proposed a definition of information security in the transport field and made proposals to improve the current legislation in terms of clarifying the definitions present in it.

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Svetlana An. Bystryakova. Formation of state policy for the implementation of national goals of the development of the Russian Federation in the transport security system: public and legal issues of digital circulation and protection of personal data of citizens

UDK: 347.9

Svetlana An. Bystryakova - Joint Stock Company “Neftetransservis”

Abstract. At present systemic problems in the development of legal support for information security of the transport complex, as the current study shows, are of great priority and strategic importance due to their inclusion in the critical information infrastructure. The relevance of the study is currently determined by the requirements for the implementation of the strategic goals of national development, defined by the President of the Russian Federation after Inauguration on May 7, 2024. The implementation of strategic objectives of state policy which is aimed at prioritizing human rights and freedoms, justice in the social sphere and ensuring equality of citizens, society and state security, is directly related to the transport development, its multiplication with almost all spheres and industries, and the tasks of achieving digital maturity of the Russian economy in difficult conditions of further digitalization, sanctions aggression and the formation of a multipolar world. Strengthening the state sovereignty of Russia is associated with enforcing transport security in all its manifestations to achieve the required level of security. In the context of digital transformation, this is directly related to enforcing information security, protecting citizens from destructive information effect, and developing protection for the digital circulation of their personal data. There has been substantiated the relevance of this topic, considering the strategic objectives of national development, including those related to the development and adoption of an updated block of national projects on the development of transport system infrastructure, tourism, data economy, etc. In this regard, a scientific analysis is of great necessity according to information law, as well as based on law enforcement monitoring, the state of legal regulation and the development of processes for the formation of an intersectoral institution of legal regulation of the digital circulation of personal data in the transport security system.

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Evgeny V. Sem’yanov. Social and legal responsibility of business when using new technologies in taxis

UDK: 656.13

Evgeny V. Sem’yanov - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Moscow City Arbitration and Tax Bar Association “People of Business”

Abstract. The author of the current paper has considered the issues of organizing a “taxi” community, uniting owners of organizations and taxi drivers, as well as current concerns of social and legal responsibility of the taxi business.

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Ildar R. Al’bikov. Legal regulation of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in airspace

UDK: 347.823

Ildar R. Al’bikov - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute

Abstract. The current paper deals with the consideration of legal aspects and problems of regulation of unmanned aerial vehicles in the airspace. There have been analyzed relevant legal acts and international agreements governing the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. There have been considered the issues of liability for violation of airspace laws when operating drones, as well as measures to ensure flight safety and the protection of personal data when using these devices. There have been highlighted possible changes in legislation to regulate this area and reduce the risks associated with the use of drones. The current paper has also provided a comparative analysis of the legal norms of various countries in this area and highlighted the main trends in the development of regulation of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the airspace.

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Aleksey Ig. Khimchenko. Unmanned aerial vehicles: issues of security and trusted use

UDK: 631.95

Aleksey Ig. Khimchenko - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Abstract. Digitalization processes contribute to changing the approach to the organization of many technological processes. The development of the unmanned aerial vehicle industry, being among the typical examples of the implementation of such transformations, can qualitatively change the approach to organizing the flight process. At the same time, there is also a transformation of many related and supporting processes that are crucial for the result. The development of technological solutions and the complication of architectural approaches for their implementation, the increase in the number of subjects and the perimeter of information interaction require a separate approach to the security of the information infrastructure that ensures the implementation of the flight. In the current paper there have been considered the features of the development of unmanned aerial vehicles, analyzed trends and approaches to information security enforcement, and developed proposals for improving information infrastructure security.

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Dmitry V. Stankevich. Problems of vehicle drivers’ low-quality training and the ways to solve them

UDK: 656.052.8

Dmitry V. Stankevich - College of the Dubna State University

Abstract. The current paper has considered the problems of the quality of educational programs for drivers’ training in driving schools of the Russian Federation due to the low level of pedagogical skills of theory teachers, industrial training masters, and control of compliance with licensing requirements by driving schools; the absence of entrance examinations to enroll a person as a candidate driver with the subsequent admission of each student to the exam at the State Traffic Inspectorate. Modern drivers’ training methods largely involve mindless memorization of answers to exam questions and mechanical actions when driving a vehicle. The 2013 reforms in drivers’ training turned out to be ineffective and gave rise to new problems that have not yet been resolved. In fact, this is a commercial organization that aims to make a profit, while neglecting the quality of the service provided. Changes in the examination rules during this period also did not bring the expected results.

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