Статьи номера | Issue №39

Articles of the journal issue №3 (39) (3rd quarter of 2021)

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Vasiliy N. Gutsulyak. Proselyte norms in Russian and International maritime law

UDK: 341.24

Vasiliy N. Gutsulyak - Doctor of Law, professor, head of the department “Maritime Law” of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honorary worker of the Navy, president of the International Maritime Law Association, leading expert of the Center for the promotion of autonomous navigation technologies ‘MARINET RUT’

Abstract. Sea transport is one of the most high-tech modes of transport, “absorbing” all the new achievements of science and technology. It is impossible to imagine a modern ship without a whole complex of technical means to enforce its security and prevent pollution of the marine environment. A new stage in the development of international shipping was the emergence of maritime autonomous surface ships with various levels of automation, allowing reducing the number of crew on board or even completely abandon its services, using autonomous navigation technologies. Scientific and technological progress gives rise to the necessity for a clear legal regulation of the interaction between a man and technology, which are to provide safety standards (proselyte norms) that have their own characteristic features. The current paper has presented an etymological analysis of the term “proselyte” taking into account domestic and foreign sources, formulates the author's definition of a proselyte norm, which, according to the author, should contain a technical requirement in a specific digital expression and/or “correlate” with technology (technical device). An important feature of proselyte norms is that they do not operate in isolation from other legal norms. Moreover, sometimes the implementation of certain legal norms is impossible without the application of proselyte norms. By their legal nature, proselyte norms are social norms, since they are aimed at achieving a certain social effect. All conclusions of the author have been illustrated with specific examples. The current paper has also presented the author’s classification of proselyte norms within the framework of maritime law, depending on the content of the disposition, on the applied method of legal regulation, on the system of law in which it functions, on legal force and on a lawmaking subject. Much attention has been paid to such types of proselyte norms as international and national technical standards. Finally, the current paper has pointed out the necessity for further research on the legal nature of proselyte norms, their features, functions, their implementation procedure and the ways to improve their efficiency.

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Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin. Urgent directions and concerns of the formation and improvement of the legal culture of a transport specialist in modern conditions

UDK: 34:656

Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin - Doctor of Law, professor, head of the department “Transport Law” of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, supervisor of the direction “Transport security” of the Scientific-Advisory Section of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAS CSS RAS)

Abstract. Based on the experience of the staff of the department “Transport Law” of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, the current paper has considered urgent issues of the formation and improvement of the legal culture of a transport specialist in the context of implementation of the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2020 No. 474. Based on the application of the methods of formal dogmatic and systemic legal analysis, there have been made the conclusions that it is necessary to improve the efficiency of legal training and education of transport specialists. In this context, there have been identified the following legally significant competencies necessary for transport specialists to fulfill their professional duties: the formation of an anti-corruption legal culture; mastering of a complex of legal knowledge that meets the requirements to do their duties in the conditions of the reform of control and supervision activities; the formation of a system of continuous legal education within the framework of professional development in relation to civil servants; the formation of vocational education (training) of transport employees. Based on the results of the application of the methods of formal-legal and formal-logical study, there have been presented the conclusions regarding the necessity to take urgent measures to unify the terminology and mechanisms of legal education of transport specialists. The implementation of the proposals formulated in the current paper will provide an appropriate consistency degree to form legal competencies of both general cultural and professional nature among transport specialists, which are necessary for future transport specialists in their subsequent activities in modern conditions.

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Evgeniy Al. Nesterov. Expected future development of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

UDK: 378:656(082)

Evgeniy Al. Nesterov - Candidate of Law, head of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The legal component is one of the basic components of each type of socially significant activity, each sector of the economy, each complex of infrastructure. Legal norms are key resources for ensuring state development in all strategically important areas, including transport. In the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 (approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2008 No. 1734-r), one of the priority problems is “improvement of the regulatory framework to develop transport system and transport services’ market, including the development of regulatory and legal framework governing the improvement of transport services’ quality; ensuring the mobilization training of transport organizations and their fulfillment of military transport duties; ensuring the development of public-private partnership mechanisms that provide for a clear legislative distribution of rights, responsibilities and risks between the state and the investor, as well as defining the priority areas for application of these mechanisms in the field of transport”. In the Concept of transport personnel training until 2035 (approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2021 No. 255-r), the training of personnel for legal transport activities was included among the key tasks of the transport education development, and transport law was included in the list of issues that will take an important place in the educational and scientific agenda of transport educational organizations. A significant role has been assigned to transport and legal issues in the Development Program of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian University of Transport” until 2030 (approved by the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation and signed by the rector of the Russian University of Transport in 2017). In addition to training specialists in law and law enforcement practices of various modes of transport, this Program has provided for establishing a systematic scholar school in the field of transport law; introducing the issues of legal support of international transport, multimodal interaction, the law of international transport organizations, technical regulations; ensuring the transport safety of the population.

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