UDK: 342.95
Olga R. Afanasieva - Doctor of Law, docent, associate professor of the department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, afanasevaor@yandex.ru
Abstract. Transport security is a relatively new administrative and legal institution, the emergence of which is associated with the adoption of the Government regulation, defining the issues of Russian Ministry of Transport. Despite the fact that this legal category is not only legally identified, but also defined in the current Federal Law of February 9, 2007 No. 16-ФЗ "On Transport Security", the discussions in the scientific literature are going on: its legal definition, the possibility of use in the science and law enforcement activity as the synonym for such categories as "safety at transport facilities", "safety at transport", "safety of transport infrastructure", which, despite their similarities, are often used in their own content different from "transport security"; the main structural elements of "transport security"; its relationship with other types of security, etc. The current paper substantiates the allocation of transport security as one of the types of national security; determines a means to achieve socio-economic and foreign policy goals of our country; considers its essence and content as one of the subjects of administrative regulation. As a component of legal measures, the author has presented a set of administrative and legal measures intended for the legal regulation of public relations arising at the objects of transport infrastructure and means of railway, air, sea, river and other modes of transportation to counteract unlawful interference in the activities of transport infrastructure as well as the elimination of their consequences. The current paper reveals the difficulties arising in connection with the implementation of administrative measures, provides a system of regulatory legal acts, through the implementation of which modern administrative and legal support for transport security in Russia can be carried out.
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