
Elena An. Drozdova, Oksana V. Kochkina. Organizational and legal aspects of activities to enforce transport security

UDK: 351.81

Elena An. Drozdova - Candidate of law, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Oksana V. Kochkina - senior researcher, Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Abstract. The current paper has considered the organizational and legal aspects of activities to enforce transport security. The authors have analyzed the main regulatory framework governing transport security in the Russian Federation. The work has focused on the organizational aspects of the activity, namely the allocation of subjects and objects of this activity, the distribution of possible responsibility and existing approaches to this issue. As a result of the analysis, there has been developed an approach, the classification of transport security subjects depending on the type of interest. The proposed approach could help to see some problems, and the proposed classification reflects the effectiveness of the activities of the designated entities and makes it possible to improve activities to enforce transport security.

Keywords: transport security; classification; activity; legal relations; legal aspects.


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