
Aleksey An. Maksurov. Investigation of water transport accidents: history and modernity

UDK: 656.62.052

Aleksey An. Maksurov - Candidate of Law, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University

Abstract. The current paper has described the features of the investigation of water transport accidents. The historical and legal approach applied by the author makes it possible to evaluate the possibility of returning to pre-existing forms of water accidents’ investigation. The history of the regulation of the investigation has been shown in the connection with the modern understanding of this type of legal activity. Based on the study results, there has been made a conclusion about the complexity of the category “investigation of water transport accidents” and its irreducibility to a single order and procedure because of the specificity of the types of water transport accidents, the amount of damage and the type of violated social relations. There have been described the activities of the coordinating body in this area, namely the commissions for the investigation of water transport accidents. The current paper has also drawn attention to the possibility of an expert study of the circumstances of the accident in order to obtain objective knowledge about its causes and mechanism.

Keywords: water transport accidents; National security; transport security; accident; river boat; sea vessel; vehicles.


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