
Kseniya S. Krupysheva. The rule of a navigation error

UDK: 656.086.16

Kseniya S. Krupysheva - State Policy Department of Maritime and Inland Water Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The liability of the carrier is one of the most important and urgent problems of maritime law. For a correct understanding of any type of legal relationship, it is necessary to pay attention to the features of the civil liability of the parties, which shows the essence of private law regulation. In considering the liability of a carrier, the rule of navigation error is essential, which is the most characteristic feature of the regulation of liability of parties in the maritime law. Currently, there are quite a few studies on the problems of applying the rule of a navigation error, while this topic is discussed among scientists. In the research papers, this rule is not given a proper comprehensive attention, it is considered only as one of the possible cases of limiting the liability of a carrier. They can say that a navigation error is a kind of legal phenomenon in the maritime law that characterizes the peculiarities of legal regulation in legislation.

Keywords: carrier; shipper; captain; ship’s crew members; contract of carriage by sea; navigation error.


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