
Kseniya Ev. Dovgan, Nataliya Ev. Kovalenko. Concrete definition of the liability standards for dangerous driving in the legislation of the Russian Federation

UDK: 340.11

Kseniya Ev. Dovgan - Candidate of Law, docent, Altai State University

Nataliya Ev. Kovalenko - Altai State University

Abstract. Ensuring road traffic safety is the primary issue of the state to create conditions for a healthy and prosperous life of the population. The current paper deals with the analysis of the problems of introducing the legislative structure “dangerous driving” into the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, the legal composition of “dangerous driving” has not been fully developed yet either at the legislative level or at the doctrinal level, which can result in difficulties in law enforcement practice. The paper has considered the issue of characteristics of the objective side of dangerous driving within the framework of the legal composition of an administrative offense. There has been analyzed the concept “dangerous driving”, and made the conclusions about possible problems in its interpretation.

Keywords: dangerous driving; aggressive driving; administrative offense; administrative penalty; administrative responsibility; road traffic safety.


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