
Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov. Transformation of forensic examination of vehicle markings and its methods at the turn of the XX―XXI centuries

UDK: 347.3/7

Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov - Candidate of Law, Russian University of Transport, telec121.57@mail.ru

Abstract. The current paper deals with the formation and development of forensic examination of vehicle markings in Russia in the period from the second half of the XX century to the present days. The author has studied the origins of forensic examination, the development and improvement of its methods. Along with the conventional methods that were successfully used up to date, the paper has also highlighted the methods for restoring markings that appeared due to the latest scientific developments both in our country and abroad, including methods related to information and digital technologies. The paper has listed prominent Russian scholars who made a significant contribution to the development of forensic examination, including those currently working at the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport. Some attention has been paid to the legal framework of forensic examination of vehicle markings, as well as to the development of the structure of the subdivisions of the forensic services of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow in the specified period.

Keywords: forensic activity; vehicle; markings; primary marking.


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